35. You're already Mine!

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Happy Reading!

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

I spent the entire day with Myra in the hotel. We went for a walk in the garden, we talked, we laughed, and even I played ludo with her. It was something I never thought I would enjoy, but with her, everything felt different.

Whenever I stayed around her, one thought always crossed my mind how effortlessly she brought out a side of me I didn’t know existed—a softer, gentler side that I had buried deep within me for so long. It was surprising how I was opening up to Myra in a way I hadn’t with anyone else, and even more surprising was that it felt completely natural.

As the night approached, we decided to watch a movie, which Roshini suggested to Myra.

To be honest, everything felt so unreal. I was living a life where I was doing things I never imagined I could do. How the whole day passed, I didn’t even get to know, and it wasn’t like this happened to me for the first time. Previously too, I was always so consumed with mafia or business work that I couldn’t keep track of time. But today with Myra, the day passed differently, swiftly yet every moment etched vividly in my mind. It felt peaceful.

Myra sat on the bed with the bowl of popcorn in her hand, engrossed in the movie, while I was sitting beside her, my eyes fixed on her. She was now decked up in a simple shirt and jeans, but she still looked so beautiful. I could admire her all day without getting bored.

Her face had no makeup, yet she appeared divine with her rosy, plump lips, her tiny nose, her little chubby cheeks, her hazel eyes, and her long eyelashes. Everything about her was captivating, but what truly enhanced her beauty was her flowing hair. Whether she wore makeup or not, she looked beautiful both ways. But it was her open hair that made her look the best. I was completely mesmerised by her beauty, feeling like my eyes were examining every detail of her.

I didn’t realise how long I was lost in her. However, when a romantic scene appeared in the movie, Myra’s cheeks turned red, causing me to smile. To be honest, her face was so expressive that it enhanced her beauty even more. I glanced at the screen and then at her, trying my best to conceal the smile that arose from her expression. In the movie, the couple were kissing each other passionately.

“Enjoying the movie?” I asked, trying to hide my amusement.

Myra nodded, still avoiding my gaze. “Yeah, it’s good.”

I bit my lip as a teasing smile formed on my face. I glanced at her fingers, which she was playing with, and then at her face.

I rolled my tongue inside my mouth and gently tilted her chin up so that she was looking at me. “Tell me, Myra, what’s happening to you after watching the movie?” I asked, moving closer to her face, causing her heartbeat to accelerate. “Do you want something?” I caressed her lower lip, fixing my intense gaze on her.

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