13. He Kissed Me?

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Sir asked me to leave, but our gazes remained locked

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Sir asked me to leave, but our gazes remained locked. He repeated, and before I could respond, he abruptly left in a hurry, taking a call.

I stood frozen, staring straight.

My hands automatically went to my cheeks, where he kissed me.

He kissed me? Shit!

My heartbeat accelerated from the moment his warm lips landed on my cold cheeks, making them warm.

"Myra, Myra," my trance was broken by the manager's voice.

"Where are you lost?" He asked, irritated, but I kept numb, not knowing what to say.

"God, why aren't you answering, and why the hell have you kept your hand on your cheek?" He asked, annoyed, making me realise that my hand was still on my cheek. I immediately removed it, feeling embarrassed.

"What the hell, Myra? It seems like the extra shift has taken a toll on you. Go take a break. I'm keeping a late-night shift for you. It's just 6:00 PM right now. Go," he ordered in a stern voice, making me nod my head.

Giving me one last glare and shaking his head, he went away while I just stood there, lowering my head, feeling embarrassed.

Shit! What happened to me? This was the first time I had behaved like this.

I returned to the room, embarrassed about whatever had happened. I went to the cupboard and took out my clothes, trying to distract my mind. The events replayed in my head as I undressed and stepped into the shower, hoping the water would wash away the confusion.

After the quick shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked towards the dressing table. As soon as my eyes landed on my reflection, my hands automatically went to my cheeks. The warmth of his lips lingered on my skin, and a certain pair of blue eyes crossed my mind.

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