Chapter 8: Hard At Life

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1 day down, 2 more to go.

G Stereo was going crazy on Instagram Live. At this point, he was telling a story about how rich his girl was, or at least how she acted.

"Man, I done messed up. She wants me to buy Chanel, I don't know how I'm gonna get Chanel, bro."

The Fresh King chuckled as he watched the stream, finding it humorous how needy some girls could be. But it wasn't all funny, as the thoughts in the back of his mind said that Niayrah was starting to seem like one of those girls.

She hadn't blocked him on anything, but she still didn't respond to Jay's texts either.

G Stereo actually had a girl who pestered him, Niayrah didn't even see the messages.

But Jaelen was optimistic. Niayrah's dad didn't seem to think she was ignoring him, and he certainly seemed interested to see his performance on Saturday. And what was more, once this concert was done, Jay could start charging for tickets. And maybe even features!

The first studio session that he had completed was a success, and he couldn't wait to get to the rest of them. At this point, he was heading home from work after eating at Firehouse with Matt for the night and unloading all the insider information from the day and the friends he'd made, the team he'd assembled for the performance at Harlem's Paradise, and Matt, no pun intended, was stoked.

"Dude, I'm definitely coming to that thing, for real." He had said with a big grin. "You guys are gonna look so cool onstage."

Fresh King laughed joyously, not because anything was funny, but because he couldn't believe this moment was coming. "I know, man. I wish you could rap with us!"

Matt scoffed, nervous. "Nah, I wouldn't even be that good."

"Tammy did amazing today, and it GTR Yung underestimated her. You can do it, anyone can when you think about it."

"You think Niayrah could?"

The rapper shrugged, not really wanting to talk about her at the moment and just trying to focus on the meatball sub. "Maybe..."

"But you just said anyone could do it."

"I know what I said, Matt. I just... I don't need to think on her right now."

"I mean, a few days ago, she was all you could think about. Now you're trying not to?"

"Yeah, it's weird. But listen, when I get these songs done, she's gonna hit me up instantly. And I'mma be right there for her. So yeah, maybe she has a hard time singing, life is hard sometimes, but I can get her on songs soon for sure."

Matt smiled. "I hope you guys work things out. If there is anything to work out."

"There might not be, that's the thing. It's what I hope."

"Me too, bro."

And this was the conversation Jay kept in the back of his mind as he drove home, laughing about Gabriel's mishaps and the girl that he had to get everything for. His life was a Drake song at this point, and it was pretty interesting to listen to in addition to the new song he and Tammy Pretty had recorded as well as 6Teen with TriVi and Jorgie.

He knew that the hard at life moments were happening in front of his eyes, but he felt better than ever. Even without Niayrah to cheer him on, he was somehow keeping the good attitude up, and it wasn't going to descend anytime soon.

Jaelen pulled into the driveway, telling G Stereo he would call him later. He walked through the door of his home, his family chillaxing on the couch, already done with dinner due to Jay having a late night out with his friend and coworker after his first long day trying to get those songs recorded. If it wasn't for the money he'd got from selling those weapons, he'd still be recording at home. But the artist life was beginning, and he loved it.

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