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I get ready for bed, taking off my makeup, and putting on my pajamas but I can't help but think about connor. he's only one floor above me but it still feels wrong that we aren't together though we're so close. I shrug it off, it realize it probably just feels different since this is the first day where we are living "together".

i hop into bed and turn on some quiet taylor swift. when I was little I started to play music to fall asleep and it's been a habit I haven't really been able to stop. I have only spent a couple of nights without music, and that's when I spend the night with someone. Normally once I turn on my music I fall asleep instantly but that's not the case today. It's most likely because it's a new room, a new bed, and overall new surroundings.

i lay there for what seems like hours, but in reality was only the length of folklore. my phone vibrates and I look to see it's connor

bedard <3
hey, r u still up?

yes, you cant sleep either?

bedard <3
no, im still not fully used to being all alone at night, feels empty

me too

bedard <3
wanna come over?

be right there :)

I get to connors apartment and i lightly knock on his door, trying to not wake up the neighbors. he opens immediately, taking me into his arms. "hey baby" he says, as I close the door and we walk to his room, his arm around my shoulder the entire time, rubbing up and down.

we both crawl into bed, he snakes his arms around me making me the little spoon. he kisses my shoulder "you're absolutely perfect" he mumbles against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. i turn around and pull myself into him, closing the gaps between us. i pull his lips into mine, sharing a messy kiss.

maybe this could be it.

his hands start to come up my shirt, feeling up and down my bare back, that is, until he fully takes it off and throws it onto his floor.

i wake up in connors bed, wearing nothing but my underwear. i look over to see a naked connor lying beside me. I grab his shirt that is on the ground and throw it on, as well as my pj pants from last night. i grab my phone and leave his room as quietly as i can, trying to not wake him up.

I throw my phone onto his couch and go to find his coffee machine so i can brew some coffee, but i literally can't find it anywhere. i guess he never has coffee in the morning? i think i remember seeing a coffee shop just down the street, so I go and check it out.

i walk into the small cafe, smelling the fresh scent of the coffee beans, and seeing one girl standing behind the counter. "hi, how are you?" i greet the girl, trying to start a conversation.

"hey, i'm doing just fine, thanks, you?" she asks me. "I'm pretty good, i just need my morning coffee and i'll be even better!" I joke with her.

"don't we all?" she laughs back with me. "i'm sorry but I feel like I know you from somewhere, would I know you from anywhere?" she asks me.

"hmm i'm not sure, I only moved to Chicago yesterday actually, so chances are slim" i tell her, trying to figure out where she recognizes me from.

"oh my gosh, i know what it is. you're that girl that's always with connor bedard, right?" she asks, i slightly tense up at the mention of me and him together. I think she notices because she immediately apologizes. "oh i'm sorry, was that too much? i'm so sorry"

"oh no that's ok, yes I am. we're just friends tho, if thats what your thinking," i reply, trying to make sure the girl knows its ok.

"oh, you guys aren't dating?" she asks me, a confused look on her face. can people not mind their own business?

"no, we're not" I reply "just friends!"

"oh, you should put in a good word for me then" she hints, winking at me.

"oh of course!" I say, "what name can I tell him?"

"sadie" she says, fully thinking i'm actually going to tell him. there's not a chance in hell that she has a chance with him.

I order two coffees and get the fuck out of there. i get back to connors place and he's just starting to wake up. "where'd you go?" he asks, still half asleep, not noticing the tray of coffees in my hand. "i went to go get us coffees, i couldn't find your coffee maker" i explain.

"yeah that's cause I don't have one" he says, walking past me to his bathroom.

"why not?" i question as he brushes his teeth. he just stares as me thru the mirror as he brushes his teeth for a solid minute before answering.

"I just haven't bought one yet" he shrugs his shoulders as he squeezes past me to go put on a shirt.

i tell him all about the girl from the coffee place, "that's bold of her to assume you would actually "put in a good word" for her and bold of her to think i would actually have her." he laughs in disbelief. "that's what I thought too."

hey yall, sorry it's been a while i'm trying to write a bunch rn while my second semester is starting to pick up, so you can maybe expect updates soon?

if everything goes as planned i will update each book every other day, so this one will be updated every 3 days

also go read my jack book heart break prince

sorry this one's a bit longer, pls vote and comment

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