Chapter Twenty-Five

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I knocked on the office door of Dr. Knight and stood by waiting for her to open it. Minutes later it was opening.

"Devale? what are you doing here?" She asked looking shocked. "I haven't seen you in almost a year." She said opening her door wider.

"Yeah sorry for just popping up but I don't have a therapist here in Chicago yet, so I figured I'll come to back to someone I can trust." I tell her.

She smiled and welcomes me in. "I'm honored." She said. "Come on in, have a seat." She said.

"Thank you, nice office by the way." I told her. "What made you leave the hospital?" I ask her.

"Well I get better pay working for myself." She admitted making me laugh.

"I bet." I mumbled looking around at the nicely decorated office.

I haven't spoken to Dr. Knight since Crystal left and went to Tennessee. She played a major part inn me not feeling like shit after my life fell apart. DJ would've gotten a way crappier father if it wasn't for the sessions I had with her on the weekends. I was too proud to go to therapy at first, but Dr. Glover convinced me and so I never second guessed it after that.

"So what brings you here?" She asked me.

"Uh, I'm not too sure. I think I just need to talk to someone other than my wife." I tell Dr. Knight.

"You're married, now. That's great." she said shifting in her seat. "How's life been since the last time I saw you?" She asked me.

"Well, I got married, moved to Tennessee, and raised my son with Crystal, our son."

"Getting used to putting that par in there?" She asked me.

"No. Not at all." I said shaking my head. "I just say that sometimes. He is my son, he looks like me, acts like me. Jayla, looks like me, acts like her mom, very sassy attitude. I'm thinking one more will do the justice, looks like me and Crystal, acts more like me though." I say smiling.

"You want more kids?" Dr. Knight asked me.

I nod my head, "Yeah maybe two more. But um, Crystal got her tubes tied so I don't see that happening." I said becoming disappointed all over again.

"You didn't want her to do that?"

"We were broken up when that had happened. Then recently, she had an ectopic pregnancy, we had to terminate before it killed her. This was after the car crash that almost killed her. If it isn't one thing it's another." I said shaking my head. "We're always on go go go, never can just have time to relax and be a normal married couple." Dr. Knight chuckled at my request.

"Devale no married couple is normal. You just take it day by day sometimes minute by minute. Whatever you two do to make your marriage work is what is going to bring normality to the marriage." She explained to me carefully.

"We're supposed to be in our honeymoon phase still." I say smiling. "I'm supposed to be enjoying my wife and making love to her everyday. Not fighting. I'm too old for that." I said shaking my head.

"Devale it sounds like everything you want are things you can bring into your life. Happiness, unconditional love, peace, and whatever normality looks like to you." Dr. Knight said tapping her foot on the ground. "But you and Crystal have to want the same things or it's not gonna work." She warned me.

I sigh and toss my head back. "What if I can't get Crystal on the same page as me?" I ask her.

"Oh I believe you and Crystal are exactly where you want to be." She said smiling. "Just gotta put in the work."

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