Let The Force Be With You

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Last time on Ice Wind~!

Laxus came too Fairy Tail after he got back from his job. Makarov broke the news too Laxus and he was not happy. He was looking for Yukia an found her behind Gray. Laxus is babbling about how Yukia was in everything with him. Yukia wanted too do that so that she and him can get along better but Laxus didn't like it.

"Are you a coward Laxus?" Yukia asked.
"Me? A coward? Ha you make me laugh, little girl." Laxus said as he crossed his arms.
Everyone in Fairy Tail were watching them waiting for a fight.
"Now you two. There will be no fighting. Not yet at least." Makarov jumped in.
Everyone looked at Makarov like what is he doing.
"Come on old man. She's strong enough. Or are you scared that I'm gonna hurt her again like I did last time she challenged me." Laxus said while grinning.
Yukia looked at her bandaged arm from where Laxus hurt her.
It was probably 5 years ago when Yukia was about 12 and Laxus 13. Yukia and him were arguing about how Laxus is saying that lightning is better then wind and then Yukia is saying that wind is better then lightning, so and so. Then they had it. They started dooking it out and Laxus aimed at her with his lightning ball and she wasn't ready since that was new thing he had and he hit her right in arm, she got pushed back and fell on her back, she held her arm since she was bleeding really badly, she was crying while screaming for Makarov, Makarov came running out seeing his grandson and granddaughter out in the field he saw Yukia on the ground and Laxus standing there frozed like he is trying too progress of what he just did. He shook his head and said. "See Yukia. Lightning magic is better then your puny Wind magic." Laxus said as he smiled but actually deep down he actually regretted hurting his little cousin but he didn't show it.
Back too the present (pew!)
"Like I always said Yukia. Lightning always wins" Laxus said.
"You were stronger then me back then though. I was still learning my magic. But now after 5 years... I'm stronger now and I can control it. So don't tell me I'm puny." Yukia snapped at him.
Laxus just smiled. "Then lets go Wind Leech."
The team looked at each other, Gray is actually worried about Yukia getting hurt. He started chewing his nails off.
Couple minutes later, everyone in Fairy Tail including Master Makarov, were outside waiting for the fight too start. Laxus stepped out in the middle of the street then Yukia stepped out on the other side.
"You ready too electrocuted Little cousin?" Laxus said as sparks went around him.
"We'll see about that." Yukia said as the wind picked up.
Laxus is the first one too move, he brought up a lightning ball and hurled at Yukia.
Yukia waited just at the right moment before the ball hit her she jumped into the air and moved her hands into a motion. "Double twister!" As she said that mini twisters started appear beside her, Laxus yawned as usual. Yukia not happy but kept her cool she smiled as she spin a couple times up into the air more and held out her hand. The two twisters came up too her and they started too make something. Everyone was actually astonished. Master Makarov nodded and smiled.
Laxus actually looked taken back. As the twister started too formed.. They formed it into a dragon!
Yukia breathed through her nose and let it out through her mouth. Laxus then held out his hand and a whip came. He hurled it at Yukia but before Yukia can act, she used the force of the wind too push Laxus back into a pile of boxes. Laxus got frustrated and jumped onto the top of Fairy Tail. Yukia let her dragon go straight towards Laxus. Laxus is quick, he dodged over too the side and let the whip hit the dragon, the dragon caught the whip in its mouth and with the whip in Laxus' hand...(you guys can probably guess what happens and yes I know the dragon is wind and you can't see wind but its mah story. Jk xD it is my story so bear with me! Pwease I give cookiessssss) Laxus noticed that the dragon pulled him but Yukia didn't know is that Laxus actually put a ball of lightning behind Yukia, at that moment. The ball of lightning turned into a group of spikes. Laxus pulled his hand down and let the spikes go. Gray saw and yelled. "Yukia! BEHIND YOU!"
Yukia turned at the last second and the spikes hit her sending her plowing down at the ground. Gray ran over just in time and caught her. Yukia actually couldn't handle that much lightning it. Since you know what happened. Makarov ran over and grabbed her hand putting his hand on her chest, feeling the light rhythm of her breathing.
"She is going too be okay but Yukia is still not able too withstand Laxus' lightning yet." Makarov said.
Laxus jumped down and laughed a bit. "Poor Yukia still doesn't understand that lightning can overdraw Wind."
Gray looked up at Laxus and stood up. "I'm gonna kill you!" Gray started running towards him but Erza stopped.
"Gray stop it. This isn't your fight." Erza said as she held her arm out.
"it is my fight! He hurt Yukia I will not let ANYONE hurt her." Gray said as Laxus laughed again.
"The Wind Leech got some protectors I see." Laxus said.
"I will get you for this." Gray said.
Yukia opened her eyes. "Gray..."
He heard his name and turned around, he saw Yukia lift up her hand, he ran over too her and held her hand.
"Hey shhh. You are going too be okay. We'll get him back."
"No... It isn't your fight... I lost fair and square. I need too look around my surroundings more." Yukia smiles lightly as Gray kissed her hand.
"Now Yukia. No more fighting for awhile, your arm and your heart are worse then before, they need too heal." Makarov said.
"Alright Grandpa." Yukia said as her heavy eyelids finally went down.
Gray picked up Yukia and went back inside Fairy Tail. Everyone else went inside except for Makarov and Laxus.
"Now you really done it." Makarov said too him.
"She was asking for a fight so I gave her a fight and she lost."
"You knew your the one who hurt her in the first place! Now you made it worse I can say it is partly her fault but the damage has been done. No more fighting Laxus. Is that clear?"
"Crystal clear." Laxus said as he walked away.
Master Makarov sighed and went back inside.

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