9. Like Hades, Only Sweeter

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When Enara awoke the next morning, her body was singing.

She'd expected to be sore after her many days wandering the forest, but one night among the Gods had seemed to heal her.

The sun was filtering brightly through the broad stained-glass window in her chambers. Enara sat before her vanity mirror, inspecting her dark circles from the day before. They'd all but vanished.

And her hair seemed to have a new luster it never had before. She didn't know what magic was at work, but the forest certainly seemed to agree with her.

She fussed with her messy hair until it looked tame, and pinched some color into her cheeks. Hopefully her Gods would be pleased enough. Enara felt giddy thinking of them. She dressed as quickly as she could.

Whistling as Klaus had, Enara summoned her little sparrow companion. It took two whistles, but eventually she heard a faint flutter of wings coming from down the hall.

"Do you have a name?"

She murmured to the little creature as it sat atop her finger. It just ruffled up it's plumage, seeming to shake off sleep.

"What shall I call you?"

Enara wished she could recall any of the wonderful names from the stories she'd read as a child, but they evaded her.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something soon,"

She slowly reached towards him, hoping he wouldn't be frightened. She smoothed a finger over his little scaled head, making him close his eyes under her touch. She stroked him lightly for a while.

"Shall we?" She asked finally, making the sparrow stir.

She didn't know where she should ask to go, but the little beast didn't need direction. He dove from her finger, leading the way. To where, she hadn't the slightest clue.

She followed through the maze, until eventually they arrived at an enormous library.

It was covered, floor to towering ceiling, in rows upon rows of books. The morning light illuminated little flecks of dust dancing in the wide room. The comforting smell of old paper and ink welcomed Enara as she cautiously entered.

Near the window, she spied the top of someone's head, just visible over the back of the grand armchair they were cozied up in. The sparrow had perched on the top of the chair, turning around to look at Enara as if to see if she was still following.

Enara rounded the front of the chair, finding Rhedyn, engrossed in the leather bound book he was clutching. He looked up at her with a start, before breaking into a wide grin.

"Oh, it's just you,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose,"

"No, you could never," He sat up straighter in the chair, marking his page before giving her his attention once more. "It's a nice surprise,"

Enara couldn't help but notice a dagger resting on the table beside him. The one he was carrying last night after he and Dren came back from their patrol. It looked as though he'd been in here all night.

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