17. A Little Death

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Enara stared in shock at what she'd just done.

Dren's grip was firmly fastened around both her wrists, but he'd been too late. There the dagger sat, buried halfway to the hilt in Klaus' chest.

Enara had hoped to bury it fully, but halfway wasn't all that bad for her first stab at, well, stabbing someone.

Klaus merely stared at her, an odd expression twisting his features as crimson began to leak from his wound, down his chiseled chest. His eyes had returned to dark green.

"You have some fire in you after all, little nymph,"

Enara felt uneasy at the sound of his voice. He nearly sounded impressed with her. She couldn't show she was beginning to regret her decision, but something surely wasn't right.

"I could've done worse, after all you've done," She did her best to muster up her anger, feeling it rush back in, "Lying to me, holding me captive, putting this enchantment on me, treating me like your toy," she hissed, pulling against Dren's grip to no avail.

She found it odd that Dren was suspiciously quiet. He didn't seem all that concerned.

"You'll be my toy if I want you to be, and you'll moan for me like a good girl, just like you always have," Klaus taunted, seeming unbothered by the dagger in his chest.

"Enough," Dren's voice was sharp. "Both of you,"

Dren dragged Enara off of him, setting her wrists free. Enara scrambled off the bed, putting distance between herself and the men.

Enara watched in horror as Dren casually retrieved his dagger, pulling it free from Klaus' chest. He wiped the blade gingerly against his white linen shirt, leaving streaks of blood.

Enara stared at Klaus, waiting for him to fall over, to wince in pain, something.

"What," Klaus met her wide eyes, "Did you actually think that would hurt me? Were you trying to cause me pain?" He demanded, playfulness quirking the corner of his lips, "Now that actually hurts,"

Enara blanched, feeling her palms begin to sweat. What had she done...

"But, my wrist," She sputtered, "It hurt. We may be dead, but there's still pain here..."

"For you there is," Dren turned to her darkly, slotting his weapon back in its rightful place. "But not for us. Not anymore,"

Enara shrunk backwards, suddenly growing fearful as Dren stalked towards her. He wouldn't really hurt her, would he? Would he retaliate?

"Let go of me!" Enara hissed as he grabbed her by her upper arm, easily uprooting her. "If I'm so much trouble, you should just let me go!"

He easily dragged her along behind him, while Klaus just watched. Looking smug as usual. How Enara longed for another dagger. Or ten. Her upper lip curled as he waved in farewell.

Dren dragged her out into the hall before releasing her.

"We can't do that, and I'm going to tell you why," He looked at her fiercely, as if he'd lost his patience, but his voice remained even.

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