15. Captive

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"You want to leave?"
Darius somehow had the nerve to sound surprised, after everything.

Enara had clawed and kicked and put up the best fight she could, but Fraus' might was no match for her. It didn't help that when he'd grown tired of her squirming, he'd merely grabbed hold of her mangled wrist and twisted. He held onto her there, threatening to do worse.

Then, he'd dragged her to the others.

Now, Darius was staring at her in mild disbelief. All Enara's false Gods were gathered at the grand table, staring at her. Fraus held onto her, standing before the head of the table; one hand on her wrist, one on her shoulder. She fought against the tears welling in her eyes as she spoke.

"Please, I just want to be released into the forest. I wish to heal and accept my fate, alone,"

Klaus let out a humorless laugh.

"You have no idea what it's really like out there," He was looking at her as if she was an unruly child, "You're not leaving,"

"I did just fine out there before,"

"Because of my enchantment," He said sternly. "I can't just keep the Forest cloaked indefinitely for you. You'd never make it out there without it,"


"He's right," 

Enara hadn't expected it to be Dren who cut her off. He met her gaze steadily. He looked stern, but unlike the others, he didn't look like he was chastising her.

"There are things about the Forest you don't know, things we can't protect you from if you leave," 

Dren fingered the dagger strapped to his upper thigh, as if the mere talk of the dangers beyond the walls pulled his body towards it.

"Well then that's my choice to face them. Blunder or not, the mistake is mine to make,"

Dren only shook his head slowly. Enara grit her teeth. They couldn't just hold her prisoner. She'd find a way out somehow.

"My life has already been taken from me," She turned her sharp gaze on Darius now.
"You said you wanted to make this transition easier for me. Would you really take my freedom, too? I'll hate you, I'll never be happy here if you do," she threatened.

"But you'll be safe," This time is was Rhedyn who spoke.

Not him, too. Enara felt every hope inside her beginning to wilt. Rhedyn didn't meet her gaze, choosing to stare at a knot in the wooden table.

"You all hardly fucking know me, what do you even care?" She snapped breathlessly.

"Enara, we value every life in the Forest. We try to help every newcomer that we can," Darius assured her, as if his words were sane. As if any of it made any sense.

Enara laughed, startling him. All the men watched her warily.

"Fraus was right," She looked up at the man holding her captive presently, venom in her glare. "They've all gone mad, haven't they? They really do think they're Gods,"

Fraus looked at the rest with mild alarm.

"I didn't say that," he smirked, fingers biting into Enara's wrist more firmly.

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