2. Burning

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The tower stood like a beacon in the night, roof ablaze. 

Black smoke met soot sky. 

It obscured each twinkling star, darkening the world until only that singular thing remained: the dancing flames feeding on thatched roof, burning like a candle wick.

This was the dream that had come to Enara each night since she'd entered the forest. Not a murmur from the Gods. Her dream-heart ached with their silence. 

Usually her nights were filled with messages, with tantalizing secrets, with delicious sensations only the Great Ones could give her. But not now.

Although, she hardly felt abandoned. Things were just different now. She felt their presence more during the day. 

She couldn't explain it, she just had that feeling one has when someone is watching you. She'd feel tiny shivers echo down her spine, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, as if she were in the middle of a storm. 

She'd felt so watched, in fact, she began to feel quite timid in her nakedness. Once the berry-effect had calmed, she'd hurried to stitch herself some makeshift clothes; using broad leaves to cover her skin, and tall meadow grasses to stitch the seams. It wasn't the sturdiest, but it covered her enough. 

She imagined if she could've seen herself, she might have looked like one of the Fae folk from her childhood fairy tales.

Enara spent each day wandering, picking berries- careful to avoid the little red ones she'd eaten before. A few of them now and again was a nice treat, but if she had too many she'd find herself useless for the rest of the day. She'd merely lay in the ferns, gazing up at the clouds, running her fingertips over the mosses. 

She'd figured out which forest delicacies were safe to forage, and had learned to follow the curves of the land in order to find low spots with fresh water. When water was scarce, she'd drink the morning dew. Dew-drinking was an ever-tedious process, but what else was there for her to do?

She wondered if loneliness would find her in this realm. She awaited its arrival but it hadn't yet showed its face. Enara felt oddly cared for here, as if her Gods were providing for her. 

Their presence was enough to keep her going. She kept up her prayers, taking breaks throughout her hikes to pay her respects and show her gratitude. And of course she prayed each night before she slept. But in her dreams, only that burning tower came to her.

"Please, if it's not too much to ask for, show me another sign," She'd asked the previous morning. But a sign had yet to come.

Now, Enara settled on her knees before a softly gurgling brook. The sun was rising, casting golden rays through the enormous trees.

"Under a new sun, I am without my alter. But please accept my prayers," 

She hung her head, absently rubbing her hands upon her thighs. It still felt odd to have so much of her legs exposed, but she could only manage so much length when making a skirt out of leaves.

"Oh Great Ones, I give thanks for your protection, your guidance through this mighty realm. I am not lost while you're beside me, although the path I walk is a strange one. I give thanks for your offerings of sustenance. My body is nourished, strong, able to carry me forward on this journey," 

She paused, listening for any sound besides the water flowing before her. She hoped the waters would carry her prayers straight to those who should hear them.

"I've not had much to offer you since arriving, but there was one thing you took from me..." 

Enara's cheeks flushed, remembering the way those emerald tendrils had caressed every inch of her body, how they filled her so deliciously, driven her to moans of worship-

"I wish there was more I could offer, I wish you'd give me a sign. Great Ones, if there's anything else you wish to take..." 

Her voice grew softer, doubt from within reminding her that if the Gods wanted anything more to do with her, she would know. She mentally shook herself, picking up a jagged black rock from the river bed.

"For now, I make the only offering I can," 

She turned the rock over in her hands, feeling for the sharpest edge. Enara made one sure pass at her palm, jaw tightening as her flesh gave way. The cut was small, but deep enough. She held her fist over the brook, watching her blood drip steadily into the waters.

"From my veins to yours,"

She remained like this for a short while, watching as her offering was carried downstream. When the bleeding slowed, she allowed herself to stoke the flames within. 

She allowed her bloodied hand to drift between her thighs.

"Please accept my pleasure as your own," 

Her fingertips caressed her clit delicately, circling until she felt her wetness grow. Enara closed her eyes, imagining the many deities of the forest coming to her, coming for her. She allowed her fantasy of rapture to carry her mind far away, while her body continued the holy work.

Her hips snaked back and forth against her fingers, head tipping back as she began to tremble. 

Her whole world had shrunk down to this sliver of pleasure, unaware of the trees looming, the grasses fluttering. 

Unaware of her own small stature, knelt down before her Gods. 

Over the murmurs and moans of her own desire, and the soft babbling of the brook, Enara could not hear the sound coming from behind her, drawing nearer. 

She was lost in bliss, pleasure nearly ready to burst from within, when suddenly she heard the twig snap in two.

She froze, blood running cold as a silent shadow overtook her where she knelt.

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