14. Hell Hath No Fury

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Devastated as she was, Enara couldn't quite feel it yet. She was far too furious.

She'd watched everything in her life burn down in one night. She found herself in lands of the dead, and realized there are no Gods. And whatever else she valued, besides her life and her faith, it was as good to her as lost.

She traced over her memories, any shreds she had, searching for anything, anyone. A family member, a friend, even an enemy. But her past was blank; valuable goods stolen from her on the border between life and death.

And even here in death, she could not rest in peaceful acceptance. She'd been given false hopes. She'd been promised Gods, and given liars.

And those liars were going to pay.

The first small form of revenge came with Fraus' exit from her chambers. Not out the window, this time. He'd opened the front door and walked right out, right past Darius, who'd been slumped by the door for the better part of the night.

Enara had peeked out just to catch a glimpse of Darius, gawking at Fraus' retreating figure as he strolled down the hall, shirt tossed casually over his shoulder, broad back on display.

Enara felt a twinge of satisfaction- if she could see the marks she'd left there on Fraus' skin the previous night, then she knew Darius could too.

If he and the others still thought they were going to be sharing her, they were gravely mistaken. She had her way with the only man who hadn't lied to her, the one who'd told her what she deserved to know, and him only.

And now, she was going to leave.

Enara knew she had to go. How could she stay? How could she see the reminders of all she'd lost each and every day? Even if her anger passed, even if she healed, she knew she'd always hear one thing when she looked at them.

Don't you get it? There are no Gods.

Darius scrambled to his feet as Enara swung her chamber door shut.

"Please, Enara, I don't know what he's been telling you, but-" His hand caught it, and though Enara pushed, he was stronger. Darius pushed the door just wide enough to meet her gaze.

"We need to talk," His eyes pleaded.

Enara leaned her shoulder into the door, pushing harder. It didn't budge.

"Enara..." His voice wasn't even slightly strained- with emotion, perhaps, but not with physical strain. Even her greatest efforts were no use to push him out. He may not have been a God, but he had the strength of one.

"I don't want to talk, Darius. How do you expect me to believe a single word you say?"

"I've never intended to be dishonest with you, I s-"

"But you were," Enara protested, giving up on pushing the door.

Instead, she turned to lean her back against it, so she wouldn't have to face Darius' begging gaze.

"You made a mockery of my faith. You used it to ingratiate yourself with me, by pretending to be what I thought you were,"

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