19. Sparrow's Flight

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"How's your wrist?"

Fraus' footsteps were heavy and swift as he pulled Enara down the hall alongside him.
She cast him a sidelong glare, but didn't answer.

"Looks like somebody took care of that for you,"

His oddly casual tone didn't match the present situation. His grip on her arm was fierce. Surely he was thinking about whatever commotion Rhedyn, Klaus, and Dren had rushed off to, just as much as she was.

"Someone here still has a shred of humanity left, unlike you," 

"Good for them," He tugged on her arm roughly, making her pick up the pace.

"I'd much rather spend my time doing other things to you," He carried on, tone remaining light as ever, "But just remember, I'm not above breaking a bone or two if you decide to flee. So be good for Darius, understood?"

Enara felt a twinge of anger warming her cheeks, but she refused to give him a reaction. He liked those.

She had no doubt he was telling the truth about hurting her. She'd seen the sneer he wore when he twisted her injured wrist. But his threats didn't deter her. She'd just have to ensure that when the time finally came to run, she couldn't be caught.

They found Darius in what Enara assumed were his chambers. They were rather grand, even by the standards of the rest of the palace. High vaulted ceilings, all the trimmings of luxury.

Whatever he'd been busying himself with before they entered was swiftly tucked away beneath some books, other papers. Enara thought he'd been writing something, but she couldn't be sure.

"Our guest of honor," He'd gathered his composure rather quickly as he crossed the room. He addressed Enara, but his gaze was locked on Fraus.

"Business," was all Fraus uttered, before turning on his heel and leaving. It seemed to be explanation enough, Darius had only nodded.

Enara rubbed feeling back into her upper arm, where Fraus' vice-like grip had been only moments before.

"I'll remind him to be more gentle next time,"

"There shouldn't be a next time," Enara muttered under her breath.

"If you have something you wish to say, speak freely," Darius pulled the door shut behind her, coming to loop his arm through hers.

"Fraus is a brute, I don't want his hands anywhere near me,"

"You didn't seem to mind him much when he strolled out of your chambers this morning,"

Enara scowled, pulling her arm away. "Things change,"

"Indeed," Darius shifted his hand to the small of her back, guiding her deeper into his chambers. Enara allowed him to, finding herself distracted by the odd books and instruments laying about. "And what of your objections to remaining here as our guest? Have those sentiments changed so swiftly as well?"


Darius' mouth quirked into a slight grin. "Shame,"

He motioned for Enara to take a seat on the ornate settee. She remained standing. He eyed her in amusement, but didn't comment on her defiance.

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