10. Old Rhythms

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Later that day, Darius had come to retrieve her.

Enara had tried to find him earlier, but he was no where to be found. No one was able to tell her where he might be, either. But she had a feeling he would be her best hope of finding answers about her missing memories.

No one else in the palace had been of any help that day.

When she'd tried to get information out of Zephan, he tried to change the subject, and offered to cook her a meal.

She'd actually agreed, only to tell him she felt she was craving a stew from her home village... only she couldn't remember it because her memories were missing. And if he helped her get the memories back, then she could tell him the recipe.

He'd taken it all in jest, or at least that was what he wanted her to think. Enara saw he was clearly nervous and trying to avoid the conversation altogether.

He'd kept insisting she really should eat, though. He said she'd throw her body out of rhythm. That the body likes to hold onto old rhythms.

Zephan was clearly going to be of no help, so she'd moved on.

When she'd tried to get information out of Dren, he'd merely suggested that she must've hit her head pretty hard out there in the forest, and that's why her memories were gone.

"You thought I was that ghastly beast, after all. Dear friend though he is, you absolutely must be concussed to think such a thing,"

Enara could tell he was teasing her, but it made no difference. He wasn't going to say a thing.

Eventually she'd circled back to Rhedyn, but he'd just apologized and said he'd told her all her knew.

When she'd asked where she could find Klaus, Rhedyn had said he was out with Darius. But wouldn't say where, or what they were doing. Just offered apologies again.

The whole quest for information had been for nothing...

So when Darius had materialized out of the blue hours later, Enara had found herself rather excitable. 

She felt so sure he'd give her answers. He'd been her guide from the start, after all.

"I trust you've been well entertained today,"

Darius was leading Enara down the corridor, to where, she did not know.

"Yes, quite," 

She was impatient to ask him her questions, but didn't want to be rude. Although they treated her as a guest and equal here, she best not forget she was in the presence of Gods.

"And you? I know you must have been busy," She searched his expression, "I couldn't find you anywhere today,"

"You came looking for me?" He teased, smiling that elegant, prince-like smile. "I'm flattered,"

"In truth, I have so much to ask you about," She swiftly ignored his teasing.

"I hope I can answer your questions, perhaps over dinner?"

"I was hoping to ask you now,"

Darius' walk slowed, until he paused in the corridor, facing her.

"It really cannot wait, I see,"

"No," Enara took a little steadying breath.

"Very well," Darius offered her his arm before they continued walking. "Ask what you wish, little nymph,"

"I know the forest makes those who enter lose their memories... but today, I realized- well, Rhedyn realized- that I hadn't forgotten everything,"

She paused, gathering her thoughts.

"That doesn't sound like a question," his voice was somewhat dismissive.

"Please, Darius, I need to know what I've forgotten," This time it was Enara who halted, forcing Darius to stop with her. She held his arm tightly, ready to beg if she had to.

"No one else will tell me anything. And although I'm so incredibly grateful to be here with you, with all of you, and it's made all my years of prayers feel fulfilled... It will pain me to stay here yet another day without knowing what it is I've left behind,"

Darius had grown serious, eyes growing somewhat tight.

"Alright," He sounded reluctant, as he took her hands in his own.

"Usually this happens a bit later... I just want you to know we can wait. I know you must be desperate for answers..."

Enara's confusion grew as she saw the genuine worry building on his brow.

"... I just want you to be prepared. The answers might not be as sweet as you'd hope,"

Enara nodded, her decision already made.

"If my old life is nothing to hurry back to, then I won't have to feel guilty for staying here, right?"

Darius only nodded. Enara hadn't seen any of the men as serious as she'd seen them today. It was unnerving. But she had to know.

"So...?" She coaxed, "Is there anything you can tell me?"

Darius let out somewhat of a laugh, no humor to be found in the sound. "It doesn't work like that, Enara. I'm not all-knowing, although I do try," He smirked, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"But you're a God," Enara hadn't meant to argue, but she'd always assumed the Gods' powers would extend at least this far.

"I'm grateful for your faith, but sometimes even the Gods need the assistance of greater wisdoms. Wisdom from the earth itself,"

Enara hadn't known what he'd meant, but she'd put her faith in him, as she always had.

She was ready for whatever the wisdom of the Earth would reveal.

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