6. Claimed

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Enara stared at the watery figure before her with utter disbelief.

Not only had he made her believe she was going to drown, now he was taking the liberty of letting his gaze wander over her. She drew her arms around herself protectively.

His gaze returned to her face, some of the mischief draining from his expression. He looked as though he was committing to memory every detail; the slope of her nose, the hue of her lips.

The figure reached towards her slowly, as if to stoke her cheek, but Enara pushed herself backwards in the water. 

She put a bit more distance between herself and him, watching him warily.

The thoughtful look vanished then, replaced by a look of amusement; as if she was merely playing into his game. He ventured closer again.

Fleeing, Enara broke through the surface, ready to call out for Darius once more.

But a hand stopped her, clamping gently over her mouth. The watery figure had followed, his form impossibly human. It didn't look like he should be able to exit the waters, for he was liquid himself. He had a translucent quality, similar to that of the sprites, with those same ghostly eyes.

He motioned once more for her to be quiet, before cautiously removing his palm from over her mouth.

Enara just stared at him. She didn't know what this water spirit was trying to accomplish, but the way he'd been staring at her, it wasn't impossible to guess.

"Why should I do a single thing you say?" She blurted out, "I'll have you know I'm under the protection of a Forest God-,"

The figure laughed, without a single sound. It was such an odd sight, it completely threw Enara off guard. That broad grin of his made sparks of anger warm her cheeks. Unbelievable.

"Laugh all you want," She crossed her arms over her chest. "Just know that if you bring any harm unto me, you won't live long enough to regret it,"

The figure didn't seem ruffled by her threat in the slightest.

Enara considered attempting to call for Darius' help once more, but she knew this spirit was quicker than she'd ever be. She wouldn't get a single sound out if he didn't want her to.

Him, on the other hand... it didn't seem he was capable of making sound at all. His watery flesh seemed ill-suited for speaking, but it almost didn't matter. He was communicating volumes with only his gaze.

Now, the figure cocked his head to the side in a curious gesture, as if he was evaluating what to do with her. A devilish smirk spread over his lips.

Enara shifted, unable to to feign nonchalance any longer. How could she when he was looking at her like she was something to eat?

Suddenly, the figure turned, motioning for Enara to follow.

She did no such thing.

Instead, she watched as he drifted over to the edge of the pool, running his hand along the rock ledge. His flesh transformed where he made contact, water to stone. He lifted his hand, and it returned to its translucent form.

Devotion: A Tale of Liars and BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now