Chapter 5

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After meeting Trace and how we both reacted towards one another, I never would have pictured myself riding in the passenger seat of his truck or him standing outside of my mother's hospital room. So, from what I was seeing, he was a decent man after all. At least once he saw me crying, he was. Now let's see if the niceness continued, although bickering with him was fun even if he did get under my skin.

Before it closed, my Dad went to the food court a few minutes ago to grab them something to eat. Mom was awake and talking, which was a good sign. Her vitals had been off when she first arrived, most likely from the excitement combined with the Leukemia. She did get bruised when she fell, but other than that, she would be okay.

"Jessie June, that riding you did out there was pretty spectacular, and I am proud to be your mother. I'm also so glad I got to see it. I hate that I had to end up here at night's end. It will be more medical bills for you all to pay," Mom said.

"Mama, hush. We don't need to worry about that. We are worried about you. You are our priority, don't you know that?" I asked.

My Mom shook her head. "I should not be your priority. I heard that you wanted to sell your bar last night, and you listen to me, Jessie June White, you will not sell that bar as long as I am alive or dead. I will come up out of that grave to get you. Understood?"

I chuckled. "Okay, mama, if that's what you want me to do. I promise you."

I crawled into the bed and lay beside her so she could stroke my hair. It was one of her favorite things to do since she had gotten sick because my hair was long, and she hardly had any left.

"Good. Now Jessie, when I go, you will be the strongest out of everyone. You keep this family together, okay?"

"Mom, don't talk like that. You are not leaving anytime soon. You have at least two more years to go. You've got to stick around," I said.

"Honey, the Lord is almost ready to call me home. I don't know what day or time, but soon. Promise me you will do whatever your heart desires in life. Don't grieve over me too long, and find you, someone, to love like I love your daddy, and he loves me. That good ole Southern love. Someone who has some charm. They're out there. Be happy, Jessie, with whatever you do in life."

My eyes began to tear up. Mom was acting as if she was on her deathbed and going to die in a matter of minutes. How could I be the strong one that held this family together after she was gone?

"I don't know how strong I can be. You know everyone will be mad when they find out I'm here, and you told them not to come."

"Sweetie, I will be home tomorrow. I know that for sure. I will tell them not to get mad because I have four boys and one girl. There is never enough time to spend with only you. They will get over it because I am their mother, and I told them so. Now go home and get some rest. You've had a long day."

My mother leaned over and kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too, mama. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

I kissed my mom's forehead and squeezed her hand slightly but not too tight. As I rose from the bed, I waved to my mother with a smile, but the tears began to fall once I turned. I quickly wiped my tears so Trace wouldn't see my cry again.

"Sorry for taking so long, "I told Trace, who had just finished talking to my Dad.

"We can go now."

Trace shook hands with my father, and we walked away. There was silence between us, and I didn't know what else to say.

Trace finally spoke once we got into his truck.

"I'm sorry about your Mom. Your Dad was talking about her condition, and I had no idea you guys were going through that."

"It's okay. We've been coping with her diagnosis for a while. We just won't be prepared when she finally goes. I don't know if you overheard our conversation, but she thinks it will be soon and that I will be the glue that holds this family together. I don't see it happening. I have always thought of Colton to be the strongest."

"Your Mom knows you best. If she thinks that you will be the one to do something, then I would believe it. My mom told me I would take first place in the PBR, which didn't happen until I believed her. Mothers know best," Trace said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess they do. Thank you again for taking me. I wasn't expecting this at all, and I guess I owe you now, don't I?" I asked.

Trace shook his head. "Nah, if we keep score, we will never be even. It wasn't a problem to take you here. I can take you home unless you're hungry and want a bite?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay, thanks. I need to go home and rest—lots of manual labor around the ranch tomorrow morning. I'm sure my brothers are already home and in bed. It's not even eleven o'clock yet."

Trace chuckled. "If you ever need help around the ranch, I am happy to help. I know it's summer, and it gets hot way too quickly. When I'm not bull riding, I am always looking for something else to do. I lived on a ranch back home in Montana, but now I bounce around a lot."

"Well, if your heart desires, you can help us tomorrow. We will not say no to extra hands around here. We have a cow getting ready to give birth any day now. I'm sure Bennett would love a hand with that. Usually, I am the one helping," I said.

"I'll call Dane if I decide to stop by."

Trace pulled into the long paved road that led to the main ranch house. I pointed to my place, and he drove down that driveway. "See you later, Jessie June."

I turned and shook my head as I got out of his truck.

"So you were eavesdropping. I'll find out your middle name soon enough, and we will be even. Let's keep score with one another. It'll keep it more interesting," I chuckled.

Trace shook his head with a smile on his face.

"If you say so."

I closed Trace's passenger door and went to the front door. In the past, guys like Max Lane, my ex, drove off before watching me head inside. On the other hand, Trace was still in the truck, watching and waiting for me to get in safely. So, he was becoming more of a gentleman by the hour.

Once I got inside my home and closed the door, I heard the truck's engine leave the driveway. I crashed onto my bed and glanced up at the ceiling.

What kind of man are you, Trace Black?

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