Chapter 12

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Bailey did indeed find out that I fell in the shower and gave me all sorts of hell for it, but I saw it coming a mile away because Bailey Boone is my best friend in the whole wild world. She knows everything about me and will for the rest of our lives.

After eating lunch, Bailey, Trace, Bennett, Dane, and I made our way to the stadium. Meghan's flight had gotten delayed, so she agreed to meet us here. I was excited to meet her and glad to feel better after my shower incident.

I sat on the bench outside the gates with Trace and Dane, waiting for a blue-eyed brunette to walk in. Trace showed me a picture of Meghan the other day, and she was beautiful. She and Trace could've been twins, but he tells me he doesn't see it.

The doors to the stadium opened, and in walked a woman about my height, maybe a little bit taller, with brown hair and blue eyes. This had to be Meghan.

"Hey! I wish I could've gotten here sooner to eat lunch with you guys, but I am here now and ready to cheer you on!"

The woman hugged Trace, and I knew it was his baby sister. Meghan turned to look at me and had the biggest smile.

"You must be Jessie White. I'm Meghan, Trace's sister."

Meghan leaned down to hug me and was careful not to squeeze too tight. I knew Trace had called and told her about my current injuries.

"It's nice to meet you finally, Meghan. I've been looking forward to this all week!"

"Me too! I can't believe my brother has been hiding you in his phone. He didn't even send me a picture because he said you were more beautiful in person! Ain't that sweet!"

I blushed. I had no idea Trace had said something like that. I knew he thought I was beautiful, but I didn't realize he described myself to others like that.

"Well, it's true. I'm glad you're here, Meghan. This might be the last time I ride," Trace said.

Meghan seemed surprised. "What? I thought you said you'd never stop riding no matter what?"

Trace shrugged. Maybe he was going to stop riding for the sake of me, and I hoped that wasn't true. If he wanted to bull-ride, he should. It was as simple as that.

"No final decisions have been made, but these next two nights will determine it. Who knows. Dane here might beat me tonight."

Dane stood and introduced himself to Meghan. The second their eyes met, I could see a tiny spark.

"Nice to meet you, Meghan. I'm Jessie's older brother. Well, one of four. I've been bull riding with Trace for the last few years."

Meghan smiled and shook Dane's hand. She wore black cowboy boots, boot-cut jeans, a navy ruffled top, and a black cowboy hat. Dane seemed to like her.

"I'm sorry you've had to put up with my brother for that long, and to you too, Jessie, for agreeing to spend the rest of your life with him."

Meghan and I laughed. She bent down to my level and admired the flashy diamond ring on my hand.

"Trace can pick out a good ring, though. He didn't even call me to ask for my help!"

The announcer began speaking over the intercom, and I knew that meant it was time to go to our seats.

The last time I was here, I was in the middle of the stadium because of a bull. My life flashed before my eyes, but here I am alive and breathing.

"Come on, Jess, let's get you to your seat. It's a special front-row spot tonight," Colton said, appearing with Veronica.

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