Chapter 3

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Jacked up on coffee due to hardly any sleep was how it would be once I got onto a bull in front of many people for the first time tonight. My family, except for my mother, was coming to watch along with some of my good friends, Bailey and Candace. They had been my friends since high school. There used to be three of us, but that was a long story.

"Did you feel okay in practice, Jess?" Dane asked, handing me my chaps to put on.

"You seemed okay, but it will be different from now on. You got to practice because you're a White family member and a female. There is no more practice. It's hop on the bull and get out there."

"Practice felt good. I think everything will go fine as long as I don't have to see Mr. Popular, who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips," I said.

I heard a laugh behind me while putting on my gloves, so I turned around. "Oh great, it's you."

Dane glanced between Trace and me.

"Um, did I miss something here? Didn't you two meet yesterday?"

Trace and I nodded.

"And you already hate each other?" Dane asked.

"Hate is a strong word. I don't hate Jessie, but I can't say she doesn't hate me. You should've seen her at Rowdy's last night. Hotter than a firecracker., Trace said.

I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Oh, you're going to see hotter than a firecracker in a damn minute!"

I stepped toward Trace and felt arms pull me back.

"Easy now. Trace, you went into my sister's bar last night? I thought you were heading home after we finished up here?" Dane asked.

Trace shook his head.

"I decided I wanted a drink on the way out. I asked Parker for a recommendation, and he mentioned Rowdy's. I'm not from here, and Parker said the place was new. I figured I'd give it a try. I didn't realize the firecracker here would serve my whiskey and give me an attitude, let alone own the place."

"I'm a successful bar owner, for your information, and the attitude comes with the job sometimes. You try being a female working in a bar and see what kind of mood you'll be in. I can't let my guard down," I said.

Trace nodded and held his hands up in defense, meaning I won.

"Okay, I admit you've got a fair point. You have to have some thick skin to be a woman. I, of course, wouldn't know, but props to you."

"Thank you. If you'll excuse me, I have to finish getting ready. You should probably go find your seat."

I began putting on my helmet, knowing I was one of the first to ride the bull. I was nervous, but I wouldn't let Trace see that.

Trace walked away, and I turned around to look at my brother Dane.

"I know you weren't going to show it to him, but I can tell you're nervous. I'm your brother. I also know you won't back out if anything. You've got this, Jess. We've all seen you ride. You're going to be great."

"I sure hope so. Being the only female out here is odd, but maybe I'll inspire someone."

Dane ensured my helmet was tight and everything I was supposed to wear was good.


"You're all set. I'll be out there a couple of riders after you."

Dane set his hands on my shoulder.

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