Chapter 22

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Have you ever had a romantic getaway to somewhere that's been on your bucket list? Well, I haven't until the Maldives. The trip Ryan gave Trace and me for our honeymoon was the best thing we could have received, considering we had no plans made for after the wedding. Our time together was magical, as it should be after getting married. The high we have been on might wear off soon, though my love for Trace never will. He treats me like a queen worthy of anything, and I never felt like that until him.

Upon arriving at my family ranch, we were greeted with a new addition: a pet dog named Rover, a golden retriever full of energy. Dane adopted Rover mainly because Meghan fell in love with the dog. Meghan even moved in with Dane after they had officially started dating. She claimed she would be a burden on us newlyweds in our home.

The news did not end there. Max and Lainey's child entered the world. Griffin Lane Jones was the name he was given. Lainey wanted me to meet him as soon as possible. It thrilled me that our friendship was starting to get on track again.

Trace's parents flew back to Montana, and Ryan decided to stick around a little longer to continue rebuilding his sibling relationships.

My brother Colton and his wife Veronica were also expecting a child; only it was twins, so there would be double the fun! Parker and Naomi were going to plan a wedding but instead surprised us all by getting eloped. So much had happened while we were gone in that short week. Everyone seemed happy.

Trace picked me up and carried me over to the doorstep of our home, making me laugh. "You know you don't have to keep doing that. It was only for the first night after we got married.'

Trace put me on my feet inside the house and kissed my lips. His face was sun-kissed like mine, except I had freckles. "Alright, wife, that was the last time."

"Well, now that we're back, what's on your agenda?" I asked. "I was thinking about going down to Rowdy's. It's been a long time since I entered my bar. My regulars must think I have given up on them."

"We can do whatever you want to do, Jess. I think heading to Rowdy's is a great idea. Why don't we see if the others want to come?"

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I need to change first. Why don't you round them up, and we will meet back at the truck?"

Trace pecked me on the cheek, and without saying another word, he left to find our friends, who also happened to be our family. It was lovely having everyone be so close, both relationship-wise and distance-wise. Now, my best friend was closer than ever, and Naomi was growing to be a great friend, as was Meghan. Veronica and I weren't close, mainly because she's a surgeon with crazy hours, but she is still a great friend. Veronica is like a big sister, I guess.

After changing clothes, I met Trace at the truck where Meghan and Dane stood. Meghan and my brother embraced me.

"Look at you two newlyweds. Both are glowing with beauty and shining from all that sun you have! How was the trip?" Meghan asked.

"Oh my gosh, it was amazing. I'll tell you about it on the drive over to Rowdy's. Is everyone else meeting us there?"

Trace nodded. "Ryan said he had a quick errand to run, and then he'd be over. Bailey and Bennett will be right behind us. Everyone else is staying here."

The place was packed at Rowdy's, which made my heart happy. More customers equaled more money to keep the place running. With Trace by my side, though, he told me I never had to worry, but knowing me, I would still worry. The money I didn't use would be tossed aside for savings for anything in the future.

"Alright, everyone, in celebration of my marriage and so much other good news, this round is on the house!" I raised my glass, and everyone else in attendance did the same while cheering for free beer. I'd never gotten to give my whole slew of customers free beer, but this one time, I was very grateful to do so.

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