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【 jamie's pov 】

everyone has been pestering jamie on whether or not he's going on the ducks' annual vacation that takes place during the all star break. franky and his wife won't be going so that opened up a spot for him if he wants to take it.

the only reason he hasn't agreed to come yet is because he hasn't talked to eliana about it.

bringing her on the all star break vacation might be too much considering they haven't labeled anything yet. he's moving at her pace and will keep moving at her pace so she's comfortable. especially after learning about luka and how toxic her relationship with him was.

he will not move too quickly that it scares her off. a life without eliana is a life that he doesn't want to experience anymore.

the guys have held the spot for him while they wait for an answer, but they need an answer in the next few days. so jamie has to talk to eliana about it today when she comes over.

trevor is out with his lady friend that he refuses to tell jamie about when eliana knocks on the door at three. he opens the door for her and greets her with a quick kiss.

"hello to you too, jamie," she laughs as she walks by him. "you haven't done that before."

he smiles and closes the door. "thought maybe it was time i started to kiss you hello," he replies. el turns around and smiles at him. "hi, by the way."

eliana plops down onto the couch in her usual spot. "what's the plan for today since you're off and trevor is out with his not-girlfriend?" she questions.

"i wanted to talk to you about something before we did anything," jamie hesitantly tells her as he takes his spot next to her. "it's not bad, i promise. the guys have been bothering me about it for a few weeks and they need an answer by the end of the week."

she sits up and faces him. "what's up?"

he sighs. "the team takes a trip with their significant others every year during the all star break," he begins to say. "they offered me franky's spot since he is going to the all star game in toronto. i know technically you aren't my girlfriend so we can go as we are now or we don't have to go at all. it's up to you."

the gears immediately begin turning in eliana's head. jamie bites his lip in anticipation because he's nervous for her answer.

a part of him hopes she'll say yes. maybe she'll realize that he's nothing like luka and trust him with her heart. he's spent months trying to break down the walls that are around her, and maybe she'll let him in.

he can only hope until it happens.

eliana asks, "where would we be going?"

"mexico," he replies. "cancun, i think. like i said, we don't have to go if you aren't comfort-"

"no!" eliana quickly interrupts. "i want to go. i just ..." she trails off like she's unsure of what she is about to say. jamie watches as she bites at the skin on her bottom lip. "what if i wanted to go as your girlfriend?"

jamie's eyes widen at the question, unsure if he heard her right. "i- my girlfriend?" he questions.

she nods. he notices how red her cheeks get like she's embarrassed that she asked the question.

"yeah," he breathes out. "you can come as my girlfriend if you're ready for that."

eliana tries to hide the smile that threatens to break out on her lips. the corners of her lips twitch like she wants to smile. "i'm ready for that," she admits. "i think i've been ready. i've just been so scared to admit that and let you in. after the game the other night though, i realized that you are nothing like he was and that you actually care about me. you fought him so he'd stop talking about me. i'm ready to give us a chance if you still want to."

he's pretty sure he tackles eliana to the couch when he hugs her. she laughs and wraps her arms around his neck.

"are you kidding?" he says. "i've been ready to call you my girlfriend for weeks at this point. since new years at least."

the smile finally breaks through and it's probably the most beautiful smile jamie has ever seen. "you really would've waited for me to be ready?"

"i would've waited a thousand years for you, eliana."

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