Chapter 1

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December 28, 1990

Nomi Hart

I tossed and turned in my bed for what felt like hours, listening to the heavy wind and thunder taking over the North Carolina night. I glanced over at my clocked to check the time, 1:30am, I sighed and turned over to my back staring at my ceiling thinking until the soft knocks at my bedroom door knocked me out my reverie.

"Yes" I groaned, my bedroom door creeked opened and my little brother poked his head in, "Can I sleep with you?" he asked already making his way over to my bed, I scootched over to make some more room for him, he hopped in and got comfortable and we both laid there in silence for a while

Ryan's been creeping in my bedroom every night since we moved here but I don't blame him it's been pretty hectic for the last month or so especially with this move and I hate to admit it but having his little bad self in here with me was quite comforting. Christmas was our favorite and I was expecting that to bring us some joy however with all the drama going on none of us had really felt like celebrating, we didn't even decorate. My grandparents tried to get us to come over but we decided to just stay home and chill

"Do you miss her?" he asked breaking the silence, "Mom? mmm I don't know" I responded. "I miss her and I miss home already, leaving was some bullshi--" I flicked his forehead before he could finish "ouch!" he said swatting my hand away, " stop cussing" I retorted "well you know it's true" he said and I sighed shaking my head. For an eight year old Ryan could sure as hell be a menace to society and best believe he was getting consistently getting popped upside his head for it but as much as I wanted to strangle him, I wouldn't trade the kid for the world, he was sweet when he wanted to be

It fell silent between us for a few moments once again, "when do you think she'll come for us?" he asked and my heart dropped into my stomach. The chances of our mom coming out here was slim to none, the thought of even seeing her again made me sick to my stomach but for as long as I've been alive I've seen my parents fall out and make up and the same goes for Ryan, it was usually over something my mother did and she would come back crying with my dad forgiving her, but moving clear across the United States was a first and clear indication my dad was done for good but I wasn't about to shatter Ryan's little glimmer of hope....reality would hit him soon enough. "I'm not sure..."

We spent some time talking, he kept asking me questions about our parents but I switched topics before he could recap what happened back in November then he eventually fell asleep, I decided to try and force myself to get some rest as well considering that we had to go church in the morning. My uncle Marcus had invited us to service, the last few days have been nothing short of draining to say the least with all the moving and getting adjusted, we really didn't get out unless it was a trip to the store not to mention I don't think any of us were over the little incident that happened causing us to move here in the first place, and although I would prefer to stay in bed all day Marcellus wasn't having it. I honestly love staying with my dad, but he could act more like a friend from time to time which depending on the situation wasn't always a good thing but one thing I do know with my mom out the picture its been a lot less stressful and I was more optimistic about the future .

I let my thoughts take over until I eventully drifted into a deep slumber...

I looked over my shoulder and seen Ryan wasn't there, yawning, I got up making my out bedroom where the comforting smell and sounds of cooking filled the air. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw Ryan over at the table already digging into his plate.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" My dad asked standing over by the counter "I slept alright" I answered grabbing a plate "I made Waffles, eggs and I cut you up some fruit since you don't eat meat" he said smiling at me, "thanks dad" I responded and he nodded. I made my plate and headed over to the table to join Ryan, my dad following right behind and we indulged in silence.

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