Chapter 6

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February 21, 1991

Nomi Hart

"Not so hard Dal" I sat on the floor on a pillow in between Dalvin's legs as he sat on my bed brushing my hair into high ponytail, I tucked my knees into the inside of my oversized shirt

It had been a week since my dad told me my mother died, I couldn't really pinpoint my emotions it very confusing I felt regret, rage, sadness, relief, empty as well as many other emotions. I felt like I didn't get any closure like there were so many questions I had and so many things I wanted to discuss with her but now I can't

I missed a weeks worth of school alongside Dalvin, he's been staying at my house every since he rescued me on Valentine's Day, it was usually just him and myself here at the house because my dad took Ryan to stay with my grandparents and even though his job gave him time off he was always gone, I'm not sure where and I never asked

Dalvin only left a couple of times and when he did he sent one of our other friends to come and watch me until he got back

No it's not like that, I don't have any feelings for Dalvin but I do have some attachment issues and when he showed himself to be a safety net we clinged to each other

As friends

"Have you called your grandmother yet?" He said causing me to roll my eyes at that question. I got up on my bed after Dalvin readjusted himself and threw my legs over his torso as laid on his back "No, not after that heifer pulled that crap"


I wiped my face holding the phone to my ear as Dalvin sat next to me rubbing my back for comfort, "hey grandma it's Nomi, I know it's a bit early but I wanted to know if I could help with any funeral arrangements" I waiting a long while for a response "f-funeral arrangements? No sweetheart...she's already been cremated, we didn't want a funeral"

I stared blankly ahead for a few moments before standing up, Dalvin watching my every move "Fuck you, you high siddity back stabbing, self centered egotistical old ass bitch, I hope you rot in fucking hell" I screamed, I could feel the warm tears cascading down my face "Nomi Amai Hart how dare y-" I slammed the phone back down on the hook

"What happened?" Dalvin stood up inching his way to me, I took a deep before screaming to the top of lungs

Then I blacked out in emotional rage

~End of flashback~

"Nomi you're going to have to talk to her at some point" he said making me huff readjusting myself on the bed, I was now laying on my stomach next to him. "Who cremates someone's mother without telling them? Matter of fact I don't care if we were on good terms or not, she's MY mom you don't do something like that" he nodded "I get that but try to see it from her perspective" he said getting up from the bed

"I'll make us pancakes" he stated as he began heading out of my bedroom, I hopped off my bed and followed behind him, as we walked down the stairs I heard three hard knocks on the front door

Looking out the peephole I rolled my eyes at my unexpected guest, "What do you want?" I asked swinging the door open, I glared at him as shoved his hands into his pockets "I've been calling you, paging you...I miss you Nomi, I haven't talked to you in a week"

Christopher has been blowing me up non stop since Valentine's Day but with everything going I just haven't been in the mood to speak to him

"What's your point?" I responded dryly, he glanced over his shoulder before giving his attention towards me "How many pancakes do you want!?" I heard Dalvin yelling from the kitchen "Four!" I yelled back before turning to face Christopher again

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