Chapter 2

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January 4th 1991

Nomi Hart

It was going on noon and I was finishing up the last of my packing throwing everything I needed into my Nike duffel bag. "Nomi, Diana's here" I heard my dad yell from downstairs "I'm coming" I yelled back rushing to bathroom to grab a few hygiene products, I jogged back to my room throwing everything in my bag and I made my way downstairs.

I saw Diana and my dad talking over by the door, "Where's Ryan?" I asked approaching the two "He's upstairs getting dressed, I'm dropping him off at your Uncle's" I nodded "Alright well I'll see you tomorrow, tell big head I said I love him" I said embracing my dad into warm hug "ok you two be safe, and Diana I can't speak for you but Nomi don't you come back here pregnant" both Diana and I chuckled "yeah whatever old head, I'm gone" he laughed and shook his head while Diana and I made our way to her car

"The party doesn't start until nine do you want to get some food after our nail appointments?" Diana asked starting up the engine "I know you don't eat meat, so I know this place that sells vegetarian burgers" she turned the radio on and began driving, " yeah I'm down with that"
we had agreed last night that we would go to the nail shop, Diana's nails were already done but she needed to get her toes repainted and as for me, well I needed both.

After the nail shop and grabbing a bite to eat we still had more than enough time so we stopped by the music store where we worked to get some vinyls and proceeded to head over to Diana's house where we chilled and watched tv for a bit until it was time to get ready. We both had our turns in the bathroom freshening up and doing our hair as well as getting dressed by the time we were done it was pushing ten

" oh hell no girl we need to go, these DeGrate parties are always packed and we need to secure a parking spot" she said putting her belt on "How are they managing to throw this party when their parents are the pastor and First Lady of a church?" I asked spritzing some perfume on "Joel said their parents are out of town and-" I shot her a look "Joel?" I cut her off and she gave a shy smile and looked down nervously "uh oh dirty Diana got a little boo thang" I teased and she laughed "something like that" she responded cheesing from ear to ear.

We both added some accessories and nodded at each other in approval of our attires. Diana sported some black high waisted Levi's, a cropped white shirt, black denim jacket and some black and white boots. As for myself, I wore a cropped dark green and white jersey paired with some oversized Tommy Hilfiger dark blue jeans and some converse. We grabbed our bags and headed to the car, Diana following behind after being sure to lock the house up

About thirteen minutes later we arrived, I could hear the music blasting from inside, a few people scattered along the sidewalk and cars were parked bumper to bumper up and down the street but lucky for us a park became available right across the street from the house.

"Gum?" I asked handed her a piece and she took it and tossed it in her mouth. I ate my piece and she pulled the key out the ignition "Alright! Let's go get em" she said and with that we got out the car, Diana made sure to lock it before we made our way across the street and entered the house

The Pleasure Principal by Janet Jackson blasted through the speakers, I scanned around the room and saw most people coupled up dancing while other were posted up talking with red solo cups in hand. We pushed our way to kitchen to pour ourselves some of what everybody else had

"You ever been to one of these before?" She asked handing me the cup she just filled and I shook my head "no not a house party" I took a sip and nodded my head in approval of whatever was mixed in the cup. "Really? Why not?" I glanced around really quick before responding "the parties back home dont usually end too well if you get what I mean" she nodded. We both took a few more sips and nodded our heads to the beat "I'm going to wait until the this liquor hits a bit before I start dancing" she said causing me to laugh "cheers to that" I stuck out my cup and she tapped with hers

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