Chapter 13

97 7 0

May 1 1991

Donald DeGrate😏

"You ready?" I spoke in the mic, I watched as Cedric nodded before I hit the button letting the music play, he adjusted his headphones before he began singing

"Your place or mine
Tell me what will it be
I've got something I would like for you to see
Trust me now
It won't take much time
I got something I want to leave on your mind
I gotta love
When you walk through that door"

I shook my head before cutting the music off "come out" I told him and everyone began groaning. I already knew why but I didn't care, the song just wasn't hitting the way I needed it to and I wouldn't stop until it was perfected

"Don we been at this shit all day, we got one more take before I head home" Joel said sitting in the seat next to me "Yeah nigga, I'm tired you keep stopping before I can even finish the first verse" Cedric added annoyed "what is this like the fiftieth take"

"I don't think it's the lyrics....I think it's the beat" I sighed running my hands over my face before readjusting myself in my seat. "That's a you problem...not us" Cedric scoffed and I shook my head "alright let's call it then"

Joel and Cedric's uncle had a little busted down makeshift studio in his basement that we would use to record songs from time to time. We been here for hours trying to record but just couldn't do it. Personally I could sit down here for the rest of the day until I got it down but that's just me, the rest of these niggas don't do shit but complain

"Good let's go eat cause a nigga hungry" Dalvin said getting off of the couch "my uncle got steak and mashed potatoes cooking upstairs" Cedric added and with that the three of them wasted no time running upstairs

I leaned back in my seat allowing my thoughts to takeover. We had ended up booking our flights the same night as prom, we would still be able to attend the dance but we would have to dip a little early

Nomi wasn't too happy about that at first because she wanted to plan something just for us afterwards but after some convincing she understood. I was nervous as hell I won't even lie, just a few short weeks to get our shit together....this had to work

Dalvin finally started coming around and the group was back to normal. I did decide to have a conversation with him about why I decided to marry Nomi, and he told me that he wasn't mad he just wished I had talked to him about it first

I did have a feeling that he may have had some type of feelings for her but I didn't think it was as deep as it was. Apparently everyone knows about Dalvin's little crush on my wife except my wife. He's playing it off like he doesn't care but deep down I know he's hurt

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my pager that was going off, I looked down at it to see that it was none other than Kandy. I sighed before going over to phone that was down here and dialed her number, it hardly even rang before I heard her voice

"Hey daddy" she said and I could tell she was smiling, I wasn't up for her shit today though "Kandy stop fucking paging me, you're getting out of hand at this point and I'm not going for that shit alright"

She giggled a little before speaking "oh now you don't want me paging you? You weren't saying all this w-" I knew where she was going with that sentence and didn't want to hear it "shut the fuck up" I said simply and she started laughing "wifey must not be treating you good for you to call this quick"

"Yo D come on before we eat all this food!" I heard Joel yell from up the stairs "I'll be there in a second" I yelled back before giving my attention back to Kandy

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