Chapter 8

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March 4, 1991

Nomi Hart

"You look pretty" I gave a shy smile while buckling my seatbelt "thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" I looked over to see D looking straight at me, it was pretty dark but I could see him clear as day, he examined my face before licking his lips "thanks lil mama" I gave a shy smile and looked ahead pulling away from the curb

"Where are we going?" I asked and I could tell that he was forming a smile "to one of my little spots" he said glancing between me and the road and I scrunched my face up resulting in him giving me a light chuckle

"It's nothing crazy shorty I promise you're going to love it. So just sit back and relax...enjoy the ride" he turned up the stereo allowing the sounds of Teena Marie to accompany us

We sat in a very comfortable silence for a good thirty minutes or so. "Are we almost there?" He nodded "yeah we should pulling up soon"

Another seven minutes went by until he parked on top of a hill, I could see all of downtown from below as the city lights lit up in the dark. "This is beautiful D" I smile adjusting myself in my seat

"I come up here every now and again just to clear my mind and escape the world for a bit...I figured you needed that" I turned to look at him and he was facing me looking at me through low eyes "I appreciate it" he licked his lips once more "I got three blunts in the glove compartment and a bag full of snacks in the back seat....lets get faded" he said with smirk laced on his face

~thirty minutes later~

We had already finished up the first blunt and was close to halfway with second. We laughed and joked about things that I'm not sure made any sense but I was having a good time. I actually really needed this

"Are you happy with him?" He asked handing me the blunt and took my pull "who?" I let the smoke escape my lungs "That caterpillar you call a boyfriend" I laughed handing the blunt back to him watching him inhale it "between you and I think I'm just holding on for the sake of  not wanting my relationship fail, I do care for him don't get me wrong but..." I sighed watching as he took another hit

"I feel like maybe I jumped into this when I knew I shouldn't have...does that make sense?" He nodded passing the blunt back to me "I feel that way about Kandy sometimes, I should've ended things with her a long time ago but I didn't, then I just got comfortable with things being how they are"

I giggled a little "look at us, bonding over bad relationships" he laughed before shifting his attention to me once again watching as I took my pull passing it back to him "so let's do it" I furrowed my brows "do what exactly" he licked his lips before leaning in closer to me "let's break up with them"

My eyes widen "you want me to break up with Christopher?" He nodded slowly as he blew smoke in face and I smiled "and I'll end things with Kandy" he backed up away from me

I don't know if it was because I floating off this mary or what but it didn't take much convincing. Diana, Dalvin and even Cedric's ass had told me time and time again to leave Christopher alone but I just couldn't do it. However, something about D telling me just gave that little push I my mind was made up

"And when exactly should we do this?"I asked "Tomorrow, the quicker the better" he said and I nodded in approval "plus prom is damn near around the corner and we should end it before anyone starts making plans" I laughed a little, he was right though

It was already March, time was flying faster than ever and prom was in May so if we were going to do it now is definitely the time

"Ok then, tomorrow is it" he nodded before sparking up the next blunt "can you grab the bags from the back seat, a nigga got the munchies"

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