Chapter 4

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February 1, 1991

Nomi Hart

Over the last few weeks I've been getting pretty acquainted with the group, apparently the boys are really cool with our manager Derek and due to Diana and myself being at work a lot they usually come to the shop after school and hang out with us during our shifts since Derek didn't mind.

Whenever all of us did have free time we did a variety of activities like going to the movies, arcades even skating. Don had invited Kandy out with us once to go bowling but her stank attitude almost caused her to get physical with me and Diana and she threw a drink on Dalvin...

Cedric and Joel had walked off to go grab us some more food and I was sitting in the chair next to Diana across from both Don and Kandy retying my shoe laces, as Dalvin made his way back from accumulating his third strike of the night. "And Mr. Dalvin strikes again" he said doing a little pimp walk causing Diana and I to laugh

"Why the fuck do you keep staring at me, Normani, or whatever the fuck your name is" Kandy sat with her arms crossed tapping her foot against the hard floors "Kandy please don't start this again" Don tried pleading with her, Diana sat up in her seat "She was tying her shoes, she wasn't even looking at you smart ass"

"Bitch was I talking to you" Kandy remarked rolling her neck causing Diana and I to pop up from our seats "who the fuck are you talking to?" The two of us said in unison "y'all come on, not in here before we get kicked out" Don said standing up as Kandy did so as well

"You need to check your bitch D, she's been making slick ass remarks all night to literally everybody" Dalvin joined in "who the fuck are you calling a bitch?" Kandy shifted her attention to over to Dalvin "I'm calling you a bitch, bitch" he told her furrowing his brows "Dal don't call my girl a bitch, everybody needs to calm they asses down" Don replied causing Dalvin to roll his eyes and just then whatever liquid Kandy had in that cup of hers came colliding with Dalvin leaving him there soaked and all of our mouths fell agape

Before he could say a word she turned on her heels and stormed out Don following close behind her. I looked over to Dalvin and grabbed his hand "let's go get you cleaned up"
~End of flashback~

Needless to say we banned Don from inviting her out with us again, but outside of that we had a lot of fun together, we might've even skipped school once or twice to go kick it at my house.

As for Christopher...well after he caused a scene he called me that night and apologized saying he was under a lot of stress and just took his aggression out at the wrong place and time, after I accepted his apology he swung by to pick me and we hung out for the rest of the night. If I wasn't with my friends I was with Christopher, we were getting pretty close

"If you break that you're buying it" Diana said snatching one of the tapes from Cedric after he had been tossing it in the air and he waved her off. "Y'all trynna go smoke?" Joel stated digging in his backpack "hell yeah nigga roll that shit up" Dalvin responded all excited rubbing his hands together "Go ALL the way to the back with that, almost got us caught up last time" I told him "Diana you can go if you want, I'll watch the front" she thanked me and they all shuffled their way out

Just then the door opened and I smile at the boy who walked in as he approached the counter. "Hey baby, I missed you today" Christopher said returning the same smile I had "I missed you too, what are you doing here?" I asked leaning over the counter to get a little a closer

"I came to see if you were doing anything later and wanted to know if you wanted to go out...I have to talk to you about something" he told me grabbing my hand "no I'm not busy and I'm actually getting off early today we're leaving in about thirty minutes, why can't you just say what you have to say now?" I replied and he nodded

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