Chapter 3

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January 5th, 1991

Nomi Hart

It was 5:30pm, Diana had dropped me off a few hours ago and I was home alone. My dad went to pick up Ryan but I assumed him and my uncle got caught up talking being as though he's been gone for almost two hours...

"Uh huh..." I said trailing off holding the phone in one hand while fixing my poster of New Edition with the other, it was starting to come off the wall. "And where exactly do you work?" I asked after kissing my middle and index finger and placing it on Ralph's photo

I don't know why everyone thinks Ronnie is the cute one, we all know it's Ralph...

I heard him shuffle on the other end before speaking "uh....I work with hospitals in the pharmaceutical's a family business" I raised my eyebrow and hesitated for a moment but decided not to question it. Christopher and I had been on the phone for close to an hour asking each other all the "get to know you" questions, asking me what it was like growing up in the west coast and things like that, he had been yawning throughout the whole conversation talking about how tired he was from work

"Right....uh well I'm going to go take a shower I guess I'll see you at school" I heard him shuffle again before responding "ok shorty, see you tomorrow" and with that we hung up. I got off my bed and headed to my closet to grab what I needed when the phone started ringing, I sigh and went to pick it up, "hello...." No response "helloooo.....?" I said again but still nothing, I rolled my eyes and hung up and proceeded to go about my business.

The rest of the night was pretty dry to say the least, after my shower Ryan and dad got home and for the remainder of the day we watched tv, ate dinner and even played a few games before we decided to call it a night and soon we were sleep

~First Day of School~

I woke up the next morning dreading the thought of having to get out bed, I was ready for school but the thought made me cringe at the same time. Lucky for me I got to meet people before school started so I could avoid that awkward new girl stage. I looked over to side of me and noticed none of Ryan's items were there

He actually slept in his own bed

I glanced at the clock to read the time seeing I needed to start getting ready. Diana had agreed that she would pick me up since she had to pass by my house to get to school anyways. I made my way downstairs where I overheard dad and Ryan talking.

"If I find out you got into a fight, I'm beating that ass...if I find out you were talking smart to one of your teachers, I'm beating that ass...if I find out—" Ryan cut him off "yeah yeah I get it old head I need to be on my best behavior" I walked into the kitchen "Goodmorning y'all" I gave my dad a hug "hey I ran out earlier and got us donuts, I'll be running late today so uncle Marcus is dropping Ryan off after school...if you need anything call him" I nodded grabbing a maple donut from the box and getting a cup of water as he walked out the kitchen.

I shifted to my focus to my brother, "what was that about?" I asked and he rolled his eyes "dad's trying to scold me about acting up in school...I don't know why he doesn't trust me" he said shaking his head and my eyes widen "arent you the same one that kicked your teacher in the back of hea—" he put is hand up to stop me from talking "that was the old me...I've grown" I shook my head and watched has he threw his napkin in the trash and left out the kitchen

Ryan and I took turns in the bathroom doing our hygiene, after giving my curls some definition and placing my hair in a half up/half down style I went to my room to get dressed. I decided on an oversized white Tommy Jean long sleeve, some baggy jeans and adidas shell toes. I added a necklace and some earrings then sprayed some perfume, I looked at myself in mirror and nodded. Just that quick I heard two honks coming from outside the house. I grabbed my bagged and yelled goodbye before making my way outside to Diana's car and then we were off to school....

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