Chapter 11

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April 15, 1991

Nomi Hart

"I feel like it's been forever since we hung out, you been real distant lately what's that about?" I asked Dalvin as he followed me into the dining room and he shrugged "I've had a lot on my mind I guess" I placed his bowl of pasta on the table and he sat down. I had finally asked Dalvin to hang out and I figured I'd cook for him, I mean he is my brother in law...

Yes, I'm officially Nomi DeGrate. We got married April 7th 1991 and I've been in a world of bliss ever since. It's been hard keeping it a secret, especially from my Dad but we'll tell them eventually

The "wedding" wasn't all that crazy, it was just the four of us dressed in all white at the courthouse, we went to hang out afterwards at this really nice restaurant. It may not have been anything fancy but it was mine...ours

My dad and I did end up having a talk about that little situation I walked in on, he told me that all he did was drink and that the drugs weren't his. He apologized for bringing those people in the house after I explained to him how out of pocket it was with Ryan being there and he made it up to me by taking us out

"Dalvin you know you could talk to me? I won't push it but just know I'm here if you need me alright" he nodded before switching the topic back to me

"But what's up with you? You've been hanging out with my brother a lot" he stated as I sat in my chair "well yeah that's what you do when you're in a relationship" he looked at me furrowing his brows

"Relationship?" I squinted my eyes at him and bit my bottom lip "What do you mean? You didn't know me and Don were together?" He watched as he shook his head "no I didn't actually"

"Umm ok...well to fill you in, do you remember that day Kandy showed up at work and we got into that fight?" He nodded his head "so I called Don to let him know what happened and he took me to hang out and we agreed to break up with our now exes. So we had been kicking it ever since then and then that night at the party when Christopher tried me and I went back home with Don we ended up sleeping together and we've pretty much been official since"

He just sat there and stared at me for a moments before he cleared his throat "y'all slept together?" He asked lowly "Dal stop repeating me, yes we slept together. Why don't you know this?" He shrugged at my question

"Don and I ain't really been talking like that to be honest, brother shit" he sighed and I nodded "Are you and Cedric still going to prom with us?" He shrugged once again "mmm...I'm not sure anymore" he told me making me roll my eyes

"Dal you have to go to prom with us, you AND Cedric. It won't be the same without y'all...please, for me?" I pouted and he gave a slight chuckle scratching the back of his head "anything for you baby girl" he said and I smiled "Let's pray over this food"

After a quick prayer we begin digging in. It was nice having this time with just Dalvin, he's been acting like a stranger lately and I missed my best friend

"We need to hang out more like we used to, I miss this" I told him but he didn't say anything just flashed a quick smile and continued to eat "so I heard through the grapevines you guys plan on heading to New York over the summer to get signed" he nodded "yeah the boys and I have been wanting this for a long time now, if we do get signed we're hoping me and Cedric can get homeschooled or something so everything can work around our schedule"

"I'm excited for you guys, don't forget about me when y'all get to winning these awards, I want my shout out also" he let out a chuckle "I could never forget about you..." he told me smiling and I returned that same smile back to him

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