Chapter 14

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                           PROM (pt 1)

Nomi Hart

"Okay say cheese" my dad told us holding up his camera. Donald, Joel, Dalvin, Cedric, Diana and myself were all striking poses. We had finally made it to prom, something we've been talking about for what felt like forever.

Everyone else's parents had other engagements so they took as many pictures as they could before they left. It was now just my dad here trying to get us hyped up for the night. Marcellus was like the community father when it came to my friends, they loved him and that love was reciprocated

We only had so many hours to enjoy this night though, the boys had their flight to New York right after the dance and they were all nervous. Diana and I were excited for them, I think more than they were to be honest

"We have to go pops" Dalvin said to my dad and we all chimed in agreeing. "Yeah dad, we really got to get going, we only have so much time" I added in and he sighed before snapping one last picture

"Ok you kids have fun alright? Be safe" he told us and after we all made our way outside into our vehicle of choice. Joel, Diana and Cedric jumped into Joel's car and Don, Dalvin and myself in my car.

"I'm so excited!!!" I screamed "you DeGrate brothers don't look too bad" I told them "Well you know how we do" Dalvin responded in a cocky tone, Don just laughed as I pulled out following behind Joel since he was the only one that knew how to get there

It took about forty five minutes to arrive and I wasn't too mad about the way the venue looked, a lot of people were outside by the various water features. I managed to get a park right next to Joel, and once we turned our cars off we all made our way towards the venue

"I told you we shouldn't have worn black...we're damn near the only pop of color here" I playfully hit Don on his arm and he chuckled "you're right, this shit looks like a funeral"

Looking around at the all my peers practically everyone was dressed in black from head to toe, only small handful of couples had color ranging from red to purple. Diana decided on an emerald green dress and after begging Donald I was able to get this ice blue dress, with a slight mermaid tail and the back cut out. Joel and Donald wore suits to compliment us and Cedric and Dalvin both wore white. To say we stood out was an understatement

As everyone made their way inside I decided to take a look around just to let everything settle. When you first walk in there was a really long hallway and to the right were to sets of double doors that were wide open allowing access to the main room and on the opposite side was the bathrooms

It was decorated beautifully, they had seating arranged all around the borders of the wide dance floor, a DJ booth in the center and a table for refreshments over in the corner

"Let's grab a table" Cedric told us and after we all agreed before we went and sat down at one of the tables getting comfortable. "I'm hungry y'all" Diana whined "you're always hungry" Cedric mumbled and Diana's eyes widen "what? Are you calling me fat"

Joel reached over from behind Diana and smacked Cedric in the head causing us all to bust out into laughter "You lucky I got on this nice tux or else that would've been your ass" Cedric spat back, you could tell he was being serious but it just made it even funnier

We had been sitting for the about twenty minutes or so just conversing amongst one another discussing everyone else's attire, we were obviously the best dressed, and everyone here kept staring at us

"Man when is the DJ gon play something we can bump to" Cedric stated "Nigga we just got here he's probably just warming up" Dalvin added

Cedric said what we were probably all thinking, whatever country bumpkin music the DJ was playing wasn't it and most of these people in here were either sitting down or standing around where the refreshments were, nobody was dancing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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