Chapter 5

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February 13 1991

Nomi Hart

" what? You think I'm cheating on you or something? Because if that's what you think then you're wrong" I sat up in my bed before scratching my head sighing "hello...Nomi? Do you hear me talking to you?" He spoke through the phone "yes Christopher I hear you, I didn't even say all that I just asked why you bailed on me last night"

After asking me to go hang out last night I waited hours and hours just for him to be a no show he didn't even have the decency to let me know he wasn't coming anymore and this wasn't the first time this has happened. Ryan actually felt bad for me so he gave me his last pop tart

I heard some shuffling before he spoke again "I'm sorry ok let me make it up to you please, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I have something special planned for us I promise it'll be worth it" I nodded as if he could see me "alright fine" I said lowly and I heard him chuckle "Ok baby, I gotta go I'll talk to you later" we said our goodbyes and hung up and I proceeded to make my way downstairs.

"Hey sweetheart, I got you something" my told me holding out a wrapped boxed, I took it from him and opened it "I figured since you left your last one back in California it was past time for a new one" I smiled taking the item from out the box

A brand new pager

"Awww thank you dad" I gave him a hug and he smiled in satisfaction "I want you to start paging me at least once when you're out just so I know you're safe" I raised an eyebrow at his comment "uh oh since when did Marcellus Hart become such a concerned parent"

He laughed "since I've been hearing about one too many teenagers coming up missing, do you know someone named Yasmin Martinez?" I shook my head no "oh well she's been missing for the last few days I saw it on the news, thought you might've knew her" he shrugged "well dinner is ready, you mind grabbing Ryan from upstairs?" I shook my head no and ran up the stairs to get my baby brother.

We spent the rest of our night eating and playing board games until we got tired, I decided to sleep in Ryan's room and he didn't mind

~Next Day~

I sat in my chair tapping my pencil against my desk watching as Donald walked up to take a seat "hey sweet thang" I laughed "Don please" he gave a low chuckle "did you finish the worksheet? I didn't get the last few questions" I nodded and handed him paper as he quickly wrote down whatever else he needed before handing it back to me

"Hello class I'm Mr. Stewart, I'll be subbing for Mrs. Johnson today, you guys can go ahead and pass your worksheets up while I take attendance" we all passed our worksheets up as he jotted down on his clipboard after calling names out one by one, when done he passed out yet another worksheet for us to work on for the remainder class but once the substitute fell asleep after ten minutes of sitting behind the teachers desk everyone broke out into group and the chatter began

"You want to get out of here?" Donald asked leaning over towards me and I nodded quickly "absolutely" not another word was said and we packed up our bags and walked straight out the class. I followed as he lead the way out to the back of the school towards the student parking "where are we going?" I asked passing him "shhh" he said snatching me up before I could turn the corner, he pulled me back behind him and peeped around the corner before looking back at me "security...alright come on" with that he grabbed my hand and we raced our way over to his car

"Can you grab the blunt from out of there?" He nodded towards the glove compartment and I did as told as he gave the car some life and pulled out the parking lot. "You sure as hell smoke a lot for a church boy" he chuckled "and you're sure as hell too pretty to be dating a bum" I gasped and playfully hit his arm making him laugh some more. After turning a couple corners he put the car in park taking the blunt from my hand and lighting it.

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