Chapter 10

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March 31, 1991

Nomi Hart

I flipped over to the next page of the magazine I was reading before glancing up to see Diana still pacing back and forth "would you sit down, you're driving up my anxiety" she sighed before plopping down on the couch next to me "you would be doing the same thing if you were me" she said playing with her fingers

I glanced up at the clock on the wall "It's time" I said simply before dropping the magazine on the coffee table that sat in the middle of Diana's living room. I walked down the hall of her one story home until I reached the bathroom

I walked over to the counter and picked up the item that was resting on it, I sighed at the sight

Two lines...

Remember last week when she told me she had a little tummy ache? Well evidently that was more than a little tummy ache. She had called me in the wee hours of the morning freaking out telling me that her body felt weird, her dramatic self said she thought she was dying until I suggested a pregnancy test, she was in denial though. I offered to buy her a test to take and said I'd drop it off but she wanted me to stay here with her to see the results

I turned on my heels making my way back down the hallway to see a nervous Diana standing there staring at me biting her nails "what is it?" She asked impatiently I bit my bottom lip "looks like we're having a baby" I laughed nervously. I saw as her eyes widened and her mouth fell agape before she sluggishly pushed her way to the couch sitting down, resting her hand on her stomach

"What am I going to do?" She said but she wasn't really asking me directly, more like she was talking to herself "tell Joel first and foremost" she groaned even louder "girl I'm talking about my parents, they'll kill me" she whined

"How do know you that?" I said walking over to the couch "because they said if I ever get pregnant they'd kill me" I playfully rolled my eyes sitting down "they're just saying that, they wouldn't actually kill you........unless they would"

"NOMIIIIIIIII" she whined and I busted into laughter "I'm sorry, but no seriously Diana you'll be fine and whatever your decision is I'll support you, but you need to talk to Joel" she sighed "how do I tell him?"  She asked playing with her hair

"Try this" I cleared my throat " pregnant" she grabbed the pillow from the couch and hit me with it making me laugh "What about prom? Oh my gosh what if my water breaks at prom!!!" her eyes widen

"Diana, April is literally tomorrow and prom is the month after, you won't even be showing, nobody will even know" she sighed in relief "I'm going to call Joel and ask him to come over"

I nodded "you need me to stay?" I asked "um no it's fine, I know Don is waiting for you and I need a minute to process all this" she told me standing up "okay, let me know how it goes and remember you have my full support" she gave me a weak smile before hugging me

We said our goodbyes before she walked me out. I hopped in my car driving over to the park Don and I decided to meet at, I was running a few minutes late

When I pulled up I saw him a ways away sitting at the bench looking over at the pond or at least I think he was since he had on shades, getting out of my car I walked over to him a smile forming on his face when he saw me

"What's up with you and these baggy fits?" He questioned tugging at my oversized hoodie before pulling me down to sit on his lap "I don't know, they're comfortable" we gave each other a quick peck on the lips "what did you want to talk about?" He asked me and I sighed

He gently tapped my thigh a few times letting me know he wanted me to move from off his lap which I did. We both adjusted ourselves to look at one another "I wanted to talk to you about us" I said and he nodded "I'm all ears"

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