Chapter 7

167 6 3

March 4 1991

Nomi Hart

After finally returning back to school and work I told Dalvin he could go back home if he wanted, he was a bit hesitant and although he did go back home he still comes back quite often to stay the night. Dalvin was my best friend at this point, Diana was my girl but there was certain things I could talk to Dalvin about that I had a hard time telling her, like my mom for example, but we were still very close

Ryan actually came back home as well and  we had a long talk alongside my father that resulted in Ryan going to therapy, I should probably be going myself but in my opinion I had Dalvin for that. I've called my aunt and uncle on my mothers side to talk but they never answered the phone which was odd to say the least but I let it be

I wouldn't say things were back to normal but they were a lot better, my emotions were all over the place but then again

When were they not.....

"I'm glad you two finally made it official, it's about damn time" I spoke into the phone kicking my feet around in the air "Girl I feel like I'm in paradise, I wish you could feel like this..." I heard the tone in her voice change "Nomi maybe you should just break it off with him you're not even happy and I know you don't have proof but he's clearly messing around with that girl"

Ever since I introduced Christopher to my friends he's been acting funny and I had gotten this gut feeling that he had been messing around. Diana and myself had set up a few traps but we never caught him in the act, we had actually gotten into a physical altercation but that's another story....

"Can you pick me up for our shift later?" I changed the topic "umm hold on I'm getting another call" she stated "ok but can you pi—" she ended the call before I finish "hoe..." I mumbled bouncing off the bed walking out my room and down the steps I saw my father sitting in between the couch and coffee table with clear bin full of photos

"What are you doing?" I asked sitting on the floor, he smiled holding a picture in his hand "going through these old pictures, we were so young when we had you...young, dumb and in love" he said laughing slightly. He poured some more alcohol into his glass that was almost finished before sliding it over my way, I took a sip and twisted my face up at the burning sensation in my chest

"Why did you stay with her for so long? I don't get it like what did you see in her?" I asked causing him to sigh and I slid his glass back to him "your mom wasn't so bad when I met her, it wasn't until she got pregnant that things started to change" he paused for a moment

"If I'm being honest, had she not gotten pregnant I don't think I would've stayed, I wanted to give you a chance to have both parents so I thought I was making the right decision but little did I know my actions lead you and Ryan to be mentally and emotionally damaged" I slowly nodded biting my bottom lip, I was deciding whether to cry or not

"It's not even just your mother, it's me too. I'm not proud of some...well most things i allowed you to go through and witness as a kid. The physical and emotional abuse, leaving you home alone for days on end at a time, the alcohol and drugs and consistent cheating from BOTH ends"

I reached over and grabbed the glass again taking a large gulp, I could tell he was heavily under the influence just by the way he was rambling. My dad wasn't innocent in my upbringing at all, he just had enough balls to admit and understand he was wrong and made an active effort to change so it was easy to forgive and forget when it came to him but I can't say the same for my mother

He took a sip from the bottle before we both heard the front door open and I wasn't mad, I wasn't really in the mood for this conversation anymore anyways. "What's up family" Dalvin said making an entrance and I stood up to go hug him. I'm not exactly sure when he got a key but whatever. "I knew you missed me" he said with a smirk and I playfully rolled my eyes

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