Chapter 9

140 6 4

March 22 1991

Nomi Hart

"Are you sure you're up for this? We can just stay here and invite the boys over" I looked at Diana through my mirror as she shook her head

"No, it's just a little tummy ache. Plus we're graduating like yesterday so I'm going to as many house parties as I can...I'll live" she shrugged "can I go?" Ryan asked "I want to check out the little honey dips that go to your school" he stood in front of me checking himself out in the mirror making Diana and myself laugh

"I don't think so, this for the grown folks. Now get out so we can get dressed" he groaned at my demand and slowly made his way out my bedroom closing the door behind him

After breaking up with Chris I headed home to call Donald we confirmed that we both held up our ends of deal. He came over to take me out on a celebratory break up date and we've been attached to the hip ever since. We've been with each almost every day over the last two weeks
learning new things about each other and getting even more comfortable. Twice we went out with Joel and Diana, Cedric found him a little girlfriend so he hasn't been out with us much he really only comes around at lunch and Dalvin has been slightly distance but I'm not sure why

I haven't gotten a chance to hang out with him one on one, I was missing having my girl time with Diana so if I wasn't with Don I was with her. I'll catch up with him one of these days though.

Tonight we were all going to another House party and I was excited. House Party's were my favorite being as though this is where I met the boys. We had both completed our hygiene and was about to get dressed before Ryan had decided to join us

"You like the fit?" I asked Diana doing a few poses. I figured Donald would be wearing all black since that was his go to so I decided on a black cropped spaghetti strapped top and some black windbreakers that had a white Nike logo with some white sneakers and jewelry to compliment

Diana nodded her head in approval "okay mini Don I see you" she said gaining a chuckle from me "you look cute to, you don't even have to ask" I told her, she had on a black and white stripped shirt tucked into some light washed shorts.

"Thank you pookie" she told me and we air kissed.

We wasted little to no time to get out the door, I was kind of rushing because I wanted to see Don. I hate to admit it but I'm starting to get a bit addicted. I hated when he wasn't there

A little less than twenty minutes later we had arrived and the party was jumping as usual. Bumping and grinding, red solo cups...the usual

"I don't think the boys are here yet" Diana told me taking a sip from her cup and I did the same "you're right, if they were here we'd know" we stood for a second nodding our heads to the beat "Is the party ok?" An unfamiliar voice spoke

I turned to this really cute girl, caramel skin with braids down her back she stood about five one. "We just got here" Diana told her and she nodded "I've never thrown one of these before, I'm Selena" she held her hand out shaking Diana's first and then mine "I'm Nomi and this is my girl Diana, it's nice to meet you" I told her and she smiled "wanna dance with us ?" I asked and she nodded.

We walked out the kitchen over to the main area to get our groove on, the drinks weren't hitting just yet so we just did a little two step in between turning down guys that asked to dance. "I think I've seen you before, you're on the schools dance team right?" I yelled a little over the music so she can hear

"Yeah that's me, I'm the captain" both Diana and myself nodded "you did pretty good for your first party" Diana told her "Thank you"

About ten or fifteen minutes of dancing with this girl we just met I finally heard that deep voice in my ear "You're having fun without me?" He wrapped one arm around my waist causing me smile, Diana watched with a little smirk on his face before Joel made his presence known. He whispered something in ear before she gave a slight laugh

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