Chapter 12

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April 27, 1991

Nomi Hart

"Your bruises are almost gone" I told Donald as he sat across from me on my bed. He nodded "yeah, better now than later...I don't need to be marked up at prom"

"Are you ready to talk about what happened?" I questioned but he shook his head and sighed "it's just brother shit" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes "you and Dalvin keep saying the same's brother shit" I mocked and he chuckled

"That's because it is...don't you and Ryan fight?" He laid back using his elbows to prop himself up "yeah we fight but not like that, I've never punched him in the face" he nibbled on his bottom lip not saying anything for a few seconds

"Well....this is just how we fight" he told me simply and I nodded "I have to tell you something" I sighed leaning back against my headboard. "Talk to me" he readjusted himself to give me his full attention

"I didn't tell you this at the time but the day Dalvin and I hung out at the mall Kandy came up and talked to me" I watched as he glanced around the room for a second, it looked like he was thinking before he shifted his eyes back to me with furrowed brows "what did she say?"

"She actually apologized to me asking me to forgive her saying maybe one day we could be fr-" he shook his head before cutting me off "Nomi stay away from her alright, I don't want to hear shit about the two of you in same room having conversations...I'm not going for that. She's trouble and she's always been trouble"

I nodded my head "I didn't plan on it and trust me I'm aware, I don't really trust her anyway. Dalvin was like Nomi you need to watch your back...she's sneaky" I mocked and Donald looked at me with furrow brows "is that all he said?" He asked causing me to shrug "I mean yeah pretty much"

"Have you talked to that nigga lately?" He asked and I shook my head before responding "No...actually yes. I had called him asking how he was but he really didn't say anything so I figured he didn't want to be bothered and I left it at that" he sighed heavily before sitting up

"Why didn't you tell me?" biting my bottom lip I furrowed my brows "I didn't know I was supposed to....D am I going to have to pick a side?" I watched as he let out a deep sigh before rubbing the back of his neck "First of all we're married, I'm the only side you're picking, but in this case no, I don't mind you hanging out with Dalvin, he's your brother now, but I need to know who my wife is talking to alright?"

I gave a slow nob before he leaned over giving me a peck on my lips "you know when I get signed I'm getting you fat rock for that empty finger" he smirked at me and chuckled "yeah I know, you keep telling me that" I rolled my eyes and he smiled

Donald and I both came to the agreement that wearing wedding rings probably wasn't the best idea for obvious reasons. So instead we got necklaces with each others names plated on them

He was about to say something but then his pager went off. I watched as he glanced down real quick to check it before he leaned over grabbing my phone off the hook dialing whoever's number

"'s D nigga you just paged me.....for what?.......mhm.......alright I'm on the way........bye" and with that he hung up the phone before shifting his attention back towards me "That was Joel baby, he needs to me to come over"

I didn't say anything just nodded "I'll be back later alright" he leaned down poking his lips out for me to kiss which I gladly did. "Say bye to my dad before you walk out. He was salty the last time you left and didn't say anything" he chuckled a bit before his demeanor quickly shifted and his smile dropped "page me so I know you're good" he spoke causing me to frown at him "D I'm not even going anywhere" I told him and he shrugged "I said what I said" he stated walking out my room

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