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Another day, another good try I would love to say but I had a feeling that today would be a bit different. Not all days were as funny as that day when Kacchan decided to give me a call and where he had to handle quite some home alone shit.

Oh well, here goes nothing....

Me: 911 what's your emergency ?

Caller: I'm beeing kidnapped.

Oh wow... how are they calling me when they are getting kidnapped?

Did the kidnapper forget how a phone works?

Or is this old lady sneaky?

Me: Okay do you know where you are?

Caller: My grandson Teddy said he called me a cab but this is not a cab, it's just a 2008 Toyota Camry.

Me: Where are you in the car?

Caller: I'm right behind the driver.Oh- now he is picking someone else.....................*(back noises) Anne?..........yep*....... He knows her name. A lady named Anne. They seem familiar, but now they're not talking.

I found it funny to hear that this old lady who was talking to me on the phone noticebly loud as well was actually not in danger at all? Come on! I don't believe in this. There was no way that the driver was not hearing this call at all. This was just some confusion and I think I knew what was going on. Still this was quite the funny situation for the driver for sure.

Me: Is it possible that your grandson ordered you a rideshare or a pool?

Caller: A pool? They are gonna drown me!

Oh no... does this poor lady not know what a pool is?


Or CarShare?

Or any other one?



That grandson sure got this old lady in some trouble.

Why safe up a bit when this was the result.

There were people who were not thinking at all. The family probably knew about this ladies situation and they had still send her off on her own in a shared car instead of calling a taxi? No, there was no way there were doing this because of money. They probably got annoyed all day long and then did this for revenge but this would be soo mean. I really hoped I was wrong on this but I was nearly never wrong.

Me: They are not gonna drown you.

Caller: Teddy's the only one who knows I can't swim. The true crime documentary of this is gong to be shocking

Who allowed this woman to even watch stuff like this?


How do I...

I know what to do!

Me: Okay where are you now?

Caller: We're pulling up to my house. I think this is the end. They're kill me in my own home!

Me: Ma'am, when the car stops you can just go ahead and get out.

Caller: Okay we're pulling up. Wha- well, you're right. They-, They're letting me get out. Wow, they're driving away! Wait. Where's my purse? They robbed me!

Me: Don't worry. I'm sure Teddy can call and get your purse back.

Caller: How do you know his name? Who is this?

Me: I--I am calling a hero to check upon you Ma'am. Your grandson Teddy asked for this especially.

Calle: Aww but that is not needed. He is always getting way to worried about me.

Me: I must insist. Please get into the house and stay there.

Caller: Alright. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Me: Thanks, likewise.

When the call ended I looked at all the heroes in the area and there was one person who I knew wouldn't be able to deal with this. It was my dear Explosion Murderer because patience was not his best skill. Anyways, I gave the hero a call and Dynamite actually did pick up the line.

Kacchan: What now?

Me: Oh dear Explosion Murderer~ You have to check upon someone.

Kacchan: DEKU? Again?

Me: Yes me again? Did you miss me that much that you have to scream my name out loud?

Kacchan: What is the situation now?

Me: An old lady with Alzheimer called. She at home but she can't recognise people. I need you to check upon her and get her to the hospital or her family to take care of the lady.

Kacchan: And why are you calling me and not an ambulance idiot?

Me: Because dipshit, she just called for being kidnapped in a goddamn Uber.

Kacchan: And?

Me: She forgot her purse and will not be able to get into the house since the bag probably also had the keys and she is gonna panick. She already thought that she was gonna get killed. Now want me to call the police who will call a hero for getting her to calm down or will you go and do your goddamn job. By the way if you say no, I will report you.

Kacchan: FUCK ME! 

Me: Yes with please after you are done with the job find me and we can get over your special needs.

Kacchan: Lunatic.

Me: Terrorist.

This was all before he hung up and I was sure that he had this situation in his pocket if he was not about to explode on the lady cause she will call the police on a hero for sure.

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