Pepsi bottle

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The last couple of weeks were just boring calls about parents with kids who were using their quirks and needed some help. Mostly fire fighters but some ambulances had to be called as well. I mean there was one kid who was actually really something else. They had managed to actually get stuck in a wall as they had some ghost walking type of quirk. I had to call both the ambulance and the fire fighter as well as Mirio to help. No one can handle such kids better than him and besides he could help them not panick as he was walking back and forth using his quirk. Unfortunately they still had to break the wall down.

Anyways, I was back on the phone and the first thing I got was a case of a person with a cat stuck on a rooftop where no one knew how the cat got there. I truly hoped that today's day would be more interesting. Not that I hated what I was doing at all.

Me: 911- What's your emergency?

Caller: Money!

Me: Money?

Caller: They stole my goddamn money.

Me: Who stole your money?

Caller: A dude in a pepsi bottle costume.

Me: Is there an event or givaway in place?

Caller: No. He just grabbed it and won't fucking return it to me.

Me: I see. Sir where are you?

Caller: ***** corner ******.

Me: And the thief?

Caller: Fucking right in front of me!

Me: ....

I was a bit speechless since I could hear the man cursing at the other hand screaming at someone as well. 

Caller: I have him right here, he can't run anywhere!

Me: Alright, I'll send the police over.

Caller: Yes you do. I want my fucking money back!

Me: Sir, they will be able to help you out.

Caller: Good cause goddamn this man is an idiot!

Me: I understand how frustrated this is, but please do not harm the suspect.

Caller: What suspect! He is a motherfucking thief!

Me: Alright, alright but do not harm them unless it is truly necessary for self defence.

Caller: Fuck this shit!

*peep* *peep* *peep*

It seems as if the called had ended and I didn't even had the chance to call the police at all or get the man to tell me more details. Well this was definitely not an ideal situation since people who are this angry and cursing usually were not caring about the consequences of their action and I was quite worried about the other man.

So in an instant I called the police and I called an ambulance just to be safe as well. I did tell them the situation that I had a peson being robbed by a crazy thief who didn't had anything better to do then to dress up in a poor costume from halloween. Everyone was laughing when I called and reported that but they also knew the importance of time and what could all go wrong as well. 

To top everything off, I decided to get the closest hero in this as well since I knew them quite well.

Shinso: Mockingbird on the line. How can I assist?

Me: Shinso, I need you to get over to ***** corner *****. The police need a bit to get there and I have someone who apprehended a thief.

Shinso: Izuku that you?

Me: Yeah....

Shinso: Hold on. Stay with me on the line so we can catch up till I get there.

Me: Sure. 

Shinso: How have you been? Didn't think I would hear your voice coming from a 911 caller ID.

Me: Well no one wanted a quirkless hero besides them and they pay well.

Shinso: What a fucked up world.

Me: How is it being an underground hero?

Shinso: Cool but seriously.... I have insomnia but even then it is hard. I come back in the morning and just drop dead on the couch sometimes.

Me: Really?

Shinso: Yeah! Oh and I am here.

Me: Great, can you see a man cursing or screaming or doing anything to another one?

Shinso: No but I can see someone who is fighting a vending mahine....

Me: You gotta be kidding me?

Shinso: No.... and I'll need to go stop him before he hurts himself.

Me: You do that and thanks for checking out.

Shinso: No problems. That's my job after all.... and hey... wanna meet up at the cafe tomorrow at 7 pm?

Me: Sure.

Shinso: Cool then see ya.

Me: Mh see ya then oh and Shinso, police and ambulance is on the way.

Shinso: I'll need them here for sure.

With that our call ended as well and I for some reason couldn't stop snickering. The guy had called 911 for a thief where he had just wanted some drink and saw the vendig machine as a person dressing up and robbing them... well he must have been high on something for sure! What a wild story.....what a wild and crazy story for sure....

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