Live or Die?

830 66 15

Didn't really take long to get my ass to the side and I might have been a bit more sneaky but nah! That was soo not how I made my entrance there. I got to the through the door like a normal person and then made one loud whistle sound which made everyone stop and look at me.

Me: Sooo, someone explain to me why this is happening?

I was really mad right now and I knew that Kacchan knew this too since flinched and started to move away with each step I took towards the villain. He even grabbed Kaminari and Kirishima's arm pulling them back as well while I was just walking towards the villain.

Villain: Who the fuck are you?

Me: Deku and you?

Villain: .... Deku... hahahahahahahaha

Do you really think this is a funny situation?

Not even Kacchan is laughing at this...

You really must have a death wish...

I may not walk around as a hero but I am one...

And I don't fucking care about reputation since no one will take me in as a hero anyways...

So try me bitch!

Me: Yes, the quirkless pro-hero DEKU.

Villain: Oh...

It was a small oh that the villain let go but he didn't really had a chance to do anything since I had my weapons with me and was quicke in throwin a knife at the mans arm to pin him against the wall. It was certainly some terrifying aim that I just displayed while I was still seemingly calmingly walking towards this villain.

Me: Now care explain this situation?

Villain: The fuck you think you are?

A hero dipshit!

And you would better listen and answer before I explode!

I am already pissed as it.

I am up for the last 24 hours...

I had to leave a group party of my old class mates...

Find my fucking classmates in danger cause they were drunk...

Get called 3 motherfucking times as well because of this...


As if he would listen if I would tell him that.....

Me: Your worst nightmare and a certain someones as well.

If I am done with him, you are next Kacchan...

What the hell is your problem with him?

How in the world did you not finish your goddamn job here?

He is not even that strong!

Are you really that stupidly drunk?

When I did say that I took out the gun and had it pointed right at the man. My utility belt had a gun, some throwing knifes small as well as some bandaids and bandages in case I needed that plus some other gadgets as well. I usually had it hung on my wall since it reminds me of my training with each weapon and also my success in life.

Me: Careful of what you say next. Unlike the heroes here, I don't care about my reputation. 

I held the gun towards the villain who by now threw my knife away after pulling it from his hand and removing it as well. A clear would was there from the knife as it had pierced through his complete left hand.

Villain: HAH you would not-


Me: Why do villains always say that?

I was annoyed already but when this villain said that, I shot his right shoulder and his left tight so that he would fall to his knees before I went toward him and pressed the gun at his head.

Me: Live or die? What do you prefer?

He was shaking and I think it was clear now that I was seriously not joking at all. I might be quirkless but nothing beats the modern technology and a good gun and some sharp knives.

Villain: L-L-LIVE!

Me; Good then stay here until the police arrives.

Villain: Yes, SIR!

I put the gun away and it was at that moment that I saw the villain react to it as if he wanted to actually take advantage of this situation. Too bad that we were still very close to each other and he was on his knees while I was standing. So I did the most logical thing and kicked the man in his face, knocking him out completly as well as knocking some teeth out as well.

After that I turned towards Kacchan and the rest of the heroes there. They all looked at me and I could swear I could hear Kacchan gulp.

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