Ohh would you look at this...

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It didn't take long until I got another call but this time it was actually the police who called us and then they had to put him on my line because it was about the old lasy from earlier. I had a feeling that something was wrong but at the same time... I was honestly smiling like a goddamn idiot.

Me: 911- Izuku Midoriya on the phone, How may I help?

Police: Hello, Inu Kawasaki on the phone. We arrested someone who is cosplaying as the hero Dynamite and wanted to double check his story.

Me: Alright.

Police: Can you explain to us what happened?

Me: May I ask what happened first?

Police: We will be answering this afterwards. We need to check some details and this is just to make sure that nothing is out of the ordinary.

Me: Very well... in that case. Pro hero Deku, hero license number X42w773 on the phone. Now you can check up my license number and everything.

Police: Oh I am sorry for the interuption in this case. We were called by an eldery woman saying someone broke in and was about to kill her with some explosions. When we came we also heard these explosions.

Me: That was Dynamite for sure.

Police: That is what we are trying to evaluate as the hero has his hero license not with him.

Me: Ohh... I see. In this case call the guy by his name Katsuki Bakugo and if you want a reaction call him Kacchan. If he doesn't react then you have an imposter.

Police: Thank you very much..... Hey, bring Kacchan over here! ...*BOOOOM* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING KACCHAN MOTHERFUCKER?....

This was to be expected but this made everything soo much better. The explosions that followed on the other line and then the screaming was enough to know that Kacchan still had his anger issues. He was not the best person to deal with things like this and I was sure his anger exploded the moment he realized that the woman was actually calling the police on him. Who knows what he did for real but if I had to guess.... he used his quirk to demonstrate that he was the hero and frightened the poor lady which is how he ended up like this.

Police: I am very sorry for the delay. We had a bit of a situation here.

Me: It's fine. I probably should have told you sooner that he hates that nickname.

Police: It's alright. It is my fault for not waiting for you to finish speaking before I started calling him over. 

Me: Is everyone alright or do I need to send an ambulance over?

Police: Hahahahahah what a joke you just made. Everything is alright. Nothing to worry about. He is just barking to us.

Me: Alright. Anything else I can help you with seeing as you now manage to evaluate that you have the real Dynamid.

Police: Ah one more thing. Can you maybe explain to us how this could happen?

Me: Sure. The lady has alzheimer and is a bit confused. She called 911 because she thought she was being kidnapped but was actually driven home by a shared Uber ride.

Police: Ah I see. I will inform the womans family about the situation.

Me: Please do so.

Police: You've been a great help. Thank you.

Me: Well if there is anything more I help, please say so.

Police: No that is all. Have a gerat day.

Me: Likewise.

When the call ended, I couldn't once again contain my laughing but the thing was, this time I had someone walking in on me and they looked as if I was completly crazy.

Me: A hero was detained because an old lday's misunderstanding.

Coworker: WHAT?! No way!

Me: Yes way. I got the police officer on the phone a minute ago.

Coworker: Well damn! What did he do?

Me: Being a short fuse as always.

Coworker: Well heroes sure are different....

Me: They sure are.... Say did you want anything?

Coworker: Oh I just wanted to tell you that we have some donuts in the meeting room for everyone to enjoy.

Me: Uhh thank you.

Coworker: No worries there.

It was really the wrong timing someone could have actually walked in on me but oh well what done is done. Not as if they were not snickering when they left the room after hearing what I had to say. This job was really gold. Nothing in the world could ruin this job for me!

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