EVIL Clerk

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I never thought that I would be this connected with all of my classmates as well as heroes and police officers in my life before. Somehow this came with my job but I still thought I would be able to go through this life without handling any heroes or police officres. They had rejected me and didn't wanted me to work for them and now I am actually somehow in a sense working with them together. Needless to say that this felt really good doing what I did and each day I grew more and more confident.

This job has changed me and I think its not even for the worse. I was more open minded for all the possibilities that could happen in life. Of course some stuff was just ridiculous but others were an eye opened. If anyone knew how much society is changing then that would be me.

Me: 911, how can I help?

Caller: At the convenient store. This guy won't sell me beer.

Oh what a problem indeed....

Perhapse you should by something else than beer?

May I suggest a softdrink instead?

That was what I wanted to say since I knew how bad things could get with a drunken caller like this man on the phone. However there was another thing that bothered me. The voice sounded quite young and it might be just me but I would say they were not even 18 years old. 

Still I could be wrong and so I decided to ask for more clarification as well as the situatoin. Perhapse this person was also more than just a bits tipsy and had done something that would be reason enough for the guy not to sell this man any beer.

Me: Ok, why not?

Caller: I can't show him my ID.

Me: Any reason why you can't show him your ID? 

Caller: ....because I am not 18.


I was right in assuming that this child was not 18. Some countries would even need an age of 21 for alcohol. The question now was why this child sounded drunk. My guess is that he got either someone to buy him some alcoholic drinks or he himself bribed a seller to get some beer or other stuff. Who knows what the child drunk after all!

Me: Without an ID the clerk can not sell to you, especially if you are under age.

Caller: But other clerks let me bribe them before. 

Me: He is not other clerks, now is he?

Caller: No but I told him that and he still won't take my bribe and sell to me. Make him take the bribe!

Me: We won't force the clerk to accept your bribe. 

Caller: Why fucking not?

Me: I definitely won't let him sell to a minor. 

Caller: I'll pay you for it.

Me: Do you even know who you have on the phone?

Caller: 911 worker.

Me: And a pro-hero as well.

Caller: Oh....

Me: You still want to bribe me?

Caller: No but I still want the beer.

Me: Do you want to wait there and I can have an officer come talk to you in person? Or do you prefer a hero instead?

Drunk Guy: Yea, I will sit outside and wait for you.

This was all he said before hanging up. Of course I checked the whereabout from this child and then descided to call Tsukauchi as well as Sansa to go work on this case. I mean this was a bit overkill since Tsukauchi was a detective but I had a feeling that the kid needed a reality check. 

Tsukauchi: Yes, Detective Tsukauchi on the phone, how may I help?

Me: Hey, Tsuki, It's me Midoriya.

Tsukauchi: Oh hey, what do you need?

Me: I have a drunken kid at the store at ******** steet. He is waiting for the cops.

Tsukauchi: Did something happen?

Me: Nothing really bad but the kid insist on getting a beer and bribing the clerk and doesn't want to leave. It's a minor as well.

Tsukauchi: Ah I understand. I'll be on my way.

Me: Thanks and do please bring him back home safe.

Tsukauchi: Don't worry about this.

Me: Thanks.

A simple call but the whole scenaio was not getting out of my head. This child shouldn't be asking for alcohol. He was way too young for this and one of the possibilites for the need of alcohol was abuse. I sincerely hoped that this was not the case but the possibility was just simply high. This was the reason why I had send Tsukauchi to check. He had enough experience with children that got abused to see the signs as well as know when someone was lying to him thanks to his quirk. Oh well, I was certain that I would find out what the reason was later on.

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