One Hero Operator

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A/N: Thanks for the 12k. I did look up the votes and 911 won by 2 so here I am creating this story XP. The idea is simple, this should simply be fun for both you gem reades and me XD. So let's just jump into it.

Izuku's POV unless said otherwise.

Life was truly strange.

I was a quirkless kid BUT I was also a graduated student of UA and not only any course but the hero course as well. It was a long way till I got where I was but in the end I already knew what was awaiting me. As a hero with a hero license and the very first quirkless hero in our century, no one wanted to employ me at all. 

You know... this is a bullshit!

I was a hero like everyone else and what do I do for a living?

I am sitting behind a screan and got some special deigned headphones and was answereing some 911 calls. Great! Really graet! This was definitely not what I wanted but being out there made me feel even less wanted than here. At least the people on the phones were not jduging me since they had no chance of knowing who was answering the call.

Let's see what bullshit I will get today.

Someone high?

Or a villain attack!

Not as if I couldn't just leave and go rescue them myself... 



Fucking money!

Why are people ignorant?

I am a person like everyone else!

Fucking quirkless hero huh.... well I at least made it through UA!

I have my own fighting style!

I am not to be underestimated!

I made it through and faught All Might, Eraserhead, Endeavour as well as Hawks since they were the end bosses at our exam.

Why do people not acknowledge me?


Fucking hypocrites that's why!

I was tired of everything. The only reason why I was here was because this was the only place that wanted to take me in with my hero license and not discriminate at all. At least I was getting paid quite well and I could work from home here. Everywhere else, they would pay me less than the average and say this is fucking normal....where the heck is that normal? On planat Z as they all apparently are worse than chimpanzees and come from there. Motherfuckers have no idea how hard I have it in life!

At my last job, I was actually screamed at how useless I was for doing work with no direction and just one task.... look over them if they have scratches and if they work. Well of course I was looking over all the gadges there and testing them out. 20 in a box and did about 18 boxes and then in the end I got screamed at the guy who is actually not even the boss of the place how fucking useless I was and that things were not even damaged and I was just seeing things and I JUST HAD IT! ..... I exploded back then and told him to fuck off like Kacchan would say it and that he is not my boss.... AH! What a reaction I got and soon after that, I lost my job.

Now here I was.

Alright... I got my tea ready.

I got some snacks from home.

All screans are up and running.

Loading in the hero locatiosn..... and then loading in all the emergency support people.... aka police, ambulances and firefighters into the system...

And voila it is running!

This system was really nice. I was sitting in front of 6 screans and every single one was showing me something else. One was so I could track the heroes, others are for all the support I could call for people. Then one is locating the call another one was for recording whatever was going on here so I was safe in case that they insist that I did something wrong. So I do record everything including my screans and need one screan just to have an overview if it stops and well every screen was needed.

Me: Alright, let's get into it.

Why do I have a feeling that these calls will be soo insane today?

Well gotta make the most out of it... not as if this is not like being on crack nearly all the time.

There was a reason why I was describing my work as crack. There were more than one day in a week where I wouldn't be able to not stop laughing because of the stupidity in the calls but hey, I was living for this tea and honestly I was happy here.

I was treated quite okay, got my own office where I did not had to share at all. No one was bothering me, I could come and go whenever I wanted. All I needed were my hours at work and I get paid handsomly so I can survive with the inflation. After all I need to pay for rent, food, electricity, all the other bills, all the other expenses and I just wanna live comfortably. Who wouldn't?

Me: 911- What's your emergency?

Once I was finally done setting everything up, I went straight up to work.

911- What's your emergency?Where stories live. Discover now