What a scardy cat

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Later that day Koda and Uraraka invited me out to dine with them together. Apparently the story aobut this caller was quite too good and besides that they all wanted to catch up again. It's been about a couple of years that we didn't really hear from each other and people are just curious. It's not as if I could just say hey, look, I am a hero but I never got a hero job because of my missing quirk... so I got to the call center and am getting my daily tea as well. Honestly, I still didn't know why they were paying me that much for the ame job the others are doing. I always felt as if there was a bit more to the whole story but I never wanted to go after it. 

Koda: Deku, how are you?

Me: Oh Koda, hi! Sorry I am a bit late. There were a bit too many calls to do.

Koda: It's fine Uraraka is also running late.

Me: Anything happened?

Koda: Seems like a rescue mission of some sort. So she will join us later.

Me: Ah.... 

Koda: But talk, you are working for the 911 call center nor as a hero now?

Me: Yup same as you Mr. Hero Detective.

Koda: You know as well as me that blood and fighting was never my style.

Me: I do and you know that I am more of a strategist myself.

Koda: Yeah, speaking of which....I thought for sure you would work as an info broker or even in a hero agency. Why the call center?

Me: It's not as bad as it sounds like.

Koda: Really?

Me: Yes, I mean... I get calls but I still have to make all the moves in the background and I always know where you guys are. I can make sure you all are alright too.

Koda: Still as caring as always.

Me: Meh....

Koda: So you like the job?

Me: I do what about you?

Koda: Same and insects are more usefull for finding the culprits than people.

Me: Pfff- I can totally see that.

Koda: Oh there is Uraraka.

We both looked around and waved to Uraraka who was still in her hero uniform when she came over to join our table. She seemed quite out of breath but thankfully not injured at all.

Uraraka: Sorry, I am late.

Me: It's fine. So how are you?

Uraraka: Busy as hell! 

Koda: Anything happened?

Uraraka: There was a child in an abandoned building on the rooftop something about watching the sun go down but the roof started caving in... I was called for backup and it was a lot.... nothing in comparisons to the accident you called earlier.

Me: Uhh but tell me what was going on.

Koda: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that person is really something else.

Uraraka: I know!

Koda: I got there after Uraraka.

 Uraraka: And I found the man hiding but completly dressed in black. Now guess who was downstairs?

Me: You are saying this as if it is something obvious.

Koda: It is but you won't believe it.

Me: He called because of burglars breaking in.

Uraraka: He was not that wrong....

Koda: Pffff-

Me: Okay both of you stop this and start spilling out the beans.

Uraraka: I came in and couldn't find any burglar at all but I did find the man hiding and being on the phone with you. 

Koda: I found the supposedly burglar downstairs. 

Uraraka: I will never forget this call.

Me: If you found the burglar, then I can assume it was an animal, right?

Koda: Yes, the pet cat of the woner.

Me: Wait, so you say I got a caller who didn't know about the cat? By any chance was the caller-

Uraraka: The burglar? Yes. Yes he was.

Me: No way!

Koda: Yes and we immediately arrested the man on sight as well.

Me: Wow.... I would have never guessed this.

Uraraka: No one of us. 

This was indeed something else and we continued talking about how ridiculous this whole thing was. Apparently the thief had called 911 because he got scared and thought he could get in a crossfired even though he was the burglar himself. To top this off, there was no one inside the house besides 2 cats and one of them was playing in the cup boards, shattering some glasses by throwing them down. All in all, everyone on the table agreed that the owner of the house should thanks his cats for scaring that man or he would have lost soo much more.

A cat saved the day... what an unusually thing to say.

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