Help! We need help!

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I couldn't really believe what happened especially since I just reacted this way on the phone. It was forbidden for a 911 operator to what I just did and yet it felt really god. I hung up on a call where that Dandelion probably really needed help. Still he had offended me a lot and I was jsut a bit pissed. Yes, I was a hero and yes I was workin g for the 911 call center but that didn't mean  that I had no powers at all.

As pissed as I was, I took up the next call.

Me: 991 what's your emergency?

My voice sounded a bit annoyed since I had just enjoyed what I did for the last caller but knew very well that this could cost me my job. Was I regretting what I did right there? Not really. The hero did deserve it but I still should have known better.

Caller: We need help.

Me: May I know where you are?

Caller: ***** street. Dynamight and two other heroes are here... no actually 3 and they are getting beaten up.


What the fuck is Kacchan doint?

Me: Can that Pomeranian not do anything right?

Caller: Huh?

Me: Sorry, can you eleborate a bit more?

Caller: Yes, we have a villain group here or just one. I don't know. I just saw the hero getting thrown across the room... and he was throw through a wall.... I guess it all started in the restaurant right next doors.

Me: I see.


Me: And how is the Dandelion doing?

Caller: What?

Me: The hero.

Caller: Bleeding.

Me: Is he still standing?

Caller: Yes.

Me: And the others?

Caller: Same.

Me: Is King Explosion Murderer also cursing?

Caller: Dynamight is.

Me: Then everything is alright.

Caller: Pardon me?

Me: There are 4 heroes in total there. It will take some time till they get the situation under controll. So for now, I suggest moving away from the scene.

Caller: Aren't you gonna send anyone else here?

Me: You have 4 heroes there already.


Me: And they can call for back up if they think they need some as well.


Oh I was mad when I heard this lady scream at me. I was already pissed and feeling a bit guilty since I would probably get punished or lose my job thanks to the hanging up from last time but sometimes people to deserve this. That person on the phone right now was one of them for sure. I mean who is actually screaming at the operator who is in charge of actually saving them?


Alright... maybe I shouldn't have snapped this way but I did since she just called me a m otherfucker and she sounded like Kacchan who had no bakebones. Once I hit Kacchan back because of him calling me this. Needless to say that Eraserhead tried to get us break apart and I pounched the hero unconsciously too... let's just say I was good with combat and self-denfece. 



Caller: A dumb idiot who should be fired.

Me: An actual pro hero. Let me introduce myself. I am pro-hero Deku.

Caller: HAH! That useless quirkless hero.

Ohhh no,..... you did not just call me a useless hero...

I am doing a good job here!

And your fucking ass doesn't need saving!

There are already 4 heroes there!


I know my class... I know them all!

They can deal with this besides if there are already 4 people there... then the others should be around somewhere as well!

Why should I call somenone?

Besides... I would get Kacchan and the others in troubles if I would do that since they are fighting kinda drunk and who knows... they might be high as well as stupid as they are!

Me: Good luck then.

I hung up after I heard her say quirkless hero. Perhapse this was not the best thing I could do but I did it anyways. Something about this whole scene was not good but I didn't care. As long as I wouldn't get a third c all and the hero amounts were not actually growing, everything should be fine. I mean come on! How stupid could the former class 1A be? 

4 heroes.... so Kaminari... Kirishima and Mina are probably there...

I wonder why there are two more....

Ah who cares.

They can deal with a villain group for sure!

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