Kacchan... you gotta love a day off!

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I kinda hated today. First I forgot my umbrella and just 5 minutes outside and it was fucking raining cats and dogs it was insane. I really hated it a lot since I got dripping wet and to top everything off, someone did in fact turn on the air conditioner as well. Who knows why but someone really turned that fucking thing on. To make things even more worse, there was no tea in the kitchen area too. All in all, I hated the day and got grumpy to my seat to put on my headphones and answer the phone.

Me: 911- What's the emergency?

By now every caller could actually feel how bored I was and that I hated being here. Some may even say that I sound as if I hated my life.

Caller: I can't get out of the hair saloon.

Me: Pardon me?

Caller: I can't get out of the hair saloon.

Me: Is anyone keeping you in place?

Caller: Yes.

Me: Are you threatened?

Caller: Not right now.

Me: Can you elaborate a bit more?

Caller: Look, I am stuck in a hair saloon and I can't get out.

Me: Are you alone in there?

Caller: No.

Me: Then just simply get out of there the way you got in or is there a villain or a criminal inside?

Caller: The last one could be said.

Me: A criminal?

Caller: Yes, there was a fucking crime in here and I can't get out.

Me: Why didn't you said so sooner. I'll call the police immediately.

Caller: Thank you.

Me: Are you in any kind of danger right now?

Caller: Yes.

Me: Then I shall call a hero to get to you sooner than the police as well.

Caller: Wha- NO!

Me: No?

Caller: NO!

Me: Sir, if you are in danger, then you need to be saved. A hero is there to do that job.

Caller: I am not in phyical harm.

Me: Not in physical harm? Then what is the problem?

Caller: I...

Me: You?

Caller: The fucking hair dresser comitted a crime.

Me: Did you get hurt?

Caller: My ego.

Me: I... what?

Caller: Look I don't need a hero, the police is enough.

Me: Alright. The police is already on their way.

Caller: Thank you.

With that the caller ended this call and I decided to not call a police but a hero instead. This man was not in danger and I had lockated his position to be at a hair dresser but the problem was that there was actually another call that was done by someone else and the police was already been called at the place. Two calls for the same place was never a good sign so I gave Kacchan another call and after I called Mr. Best Jeaniest,

Kacchan: Fucking what? It's my off day!

Me: Don't care get your fucking single lazy as of the bed.

Kacchan: DEKU?!

Me: Yeah, you live right the street down of a hair dresser right?

Kacchan: And?

Me: There is someone there who is actually threatening the place.

I didn't know if that was true but hey! It might be and it would make Kacchan get out of his bed faster for sure. I mean he was not that iresponsible for being a hero.

Kacchan: The hair dresser?

Me: Yup.

Kacchan: Anything more you can tell me?

Me: We have two calles comming from the same place.

Kacchan: FUCK! That bad?

Me: Maybe.

Kacchan: Maybe?

Me: Yeah, maybe. I don't know what the other caller said since I have my own room as you know.

Kacchan: I am already on my way.

Me: Cool. 

I could hear some hurried running steps as well as door slamming and then some cursing as well as some heavy breaths until Kacchan clearly started cursing once again.


Jeanist: Got called here. Why are you here on your day off?

He still apparently had his earphones on since it sounded like he had put me on it and I knew Kacchan and every other hero. No one would run with a phone in their hand. Well the moment I heard Jeanist, I decided to make myself known to Kacchan again.

Me: Oh I called him there.

Kacchan: FUCK WHAT?!

Me: I thought you need a brand new hair style as well. Anyways, by.

With that I finally decided to put down the line and get back to work. The whole day was shit but this here was the best. I felt soo much better after this small prank and no one could tell me that this was wrong. After all two heroes at a place is better than one and Kacchan was not offically working plus I was actually calling him on my private number as well.... sooooo no one could do anything about this nor punish me as well. We were both heroes after all.

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