Burglary ?

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Today I had quite the nice day as I was just having an evening shift and met up earlier with Shinso as well as Eraserhead in a cafe. Of course it had to be a cafe because let's be honest, these two couldn't go without coffee not even for an single hour. How they could be a hero and run around with that stuff? Who knows! I never dared to ask them about this problem at all.

Once I was back at my desk, I didn't even got about 5 minutes before I received a call. Nothing really unnatural here since the 911 calling center gets the most calls and people here love the daily tea we get. We would even join in meetings here and there in the morning or just in one of our breaks and start gossping about the calls we would get. To top this off, we did had a list on the wall with the best calls and I was leading there. Though I was closly followed by one of my coworkers. It seems for this month, we had the most strange calls out of everyone.

Me: 911: What's your emergency?

Caller: There are strange noises comning from downstairs.

Me: Are you alone?

Caller: Yes.

Me: Can you hear voices?

Caller: No but there were some crashing noises earlier.

Me: Alright, calm down. Is there a place you can hide for now?

Caller: Yes, there is this big wardrobe.

Me: Please go hide in there for now.

Caller: Should I go for the toilets instead?

Me: Whatever place is closest to you.

Caller: Wardrobe it is.

Me: Alright, please don't hang up at all. I am informing the police about your situation.

Caller: Please do so.

I muted myself as I gave the police a call. They had to know what was going on after all and there was just someone from my class who was a hero but decided to get into policework. It was funny because I would have never thought that he would give up being a hero.

Koda: Detective Koda on the phone. How can I help?

Me: Hey, It's Izuku here. I am working for the 911 call center and I got a phone call about a supposedly burglary. There is someone hiding in a wardrobe as there is someone downstairs. Thought you can dispatch your people faster there since you are the closest to everything.

Koda: Sure can but you should get a hero from our classmates there as well.

Me: Any wish?

Koda: Who is the closest to everything?

Me: Hmmm.... that would be Uraraka.

Koda: Cool. Dispatch her there as well. I am on my way with my partner.

Me: Thanks Detective.

Koda: No need to call me like this and hey, it was nice hearing from you again.

Me: Likewise, hope we can catch up as well one day or another.

Koda: Agree.

We did had a small call but the next one would be a bit more talking. Uraraka was someone who loved to stay on the phone for ages so all I could do for now was actually call her and hope that this call would be just a short one.

Uraraka: Yes?

Me: Can you get to **** street number 6?

Uraraka: Sure but why?

Me: I have a burglary there and a man hiding in the wardrobe.

Uraraka: On my way.

Me: Thanks.

I quickly put down the line to return to the caller and listen to anything that could endanger him. If thinks would go wrong, I would also need more assistance as well as an ambulance there. This was my call to make after all. I was not someone who would call something like this and take up resources without knowing for sure that they were needed. After all there are soo many people in need and taking up resouces was always bad. What if there was another place which needed the help more than this man and people would die? No, not with me.

So I went back to my Caller.

Me: Sir, are you still there with me?

Caller: Yes.

Me: Any news?

Caller: No, there are still strange noises coming from downstairs. I am scared to go look.

Me: Please don't, help is on the way.

I did say that and I was with the man on the phone the whole time listening quietly in case there was something happening and the man himself remained silent as well until I could hear Uraraka's voice as she did call out for the caller giving herself present the moment she seemed to have found the wardrobe. Perhapse I should have asked for the mans name but let's be honest... with my naming memory, that was as good as not asking at all.

Whelp, I was sure to hear what happened from Konda and Uraraka in a couple of minutes for sure.

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