103. Convince Tom

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POV Elise

I was momentarily stunned. The girl I had once seen kissing Bill on the internet was furious. Tom looked like he wanted to murder me. And I had just heard that Bill had slept with the other Elise. In those few minutes of being reunited with Bill, I had a lot to process.
Bill stood as a shield between me and Tom, saying, "I think we need to tell Tom the truth." My heart pounded in my throat as I stood behind Bill, fear evident on my face. I felt vulnerable and exposed to Tom's anger, which I didn't quite understand.
I had no idea how Tom would react to the story we had to tell.
Tom stared at us angrily, his eyes blazing as he alternated his gaze between me and Bill. His hands clenched into fists, ready to unleash his rage. I felt the tension in the air as we stood frozen outside, seconds ticking away slowly.
Simone and Gordon looked at us with their mouths agape, bewildered by the scene. I couldn't blame them because I didn't quite understand what was going on either. Meanwhile, Bill was trying to calm Tom down and convince him to have a calm conversation and that we would explain everything. "Okay, you get one chance to explain everything," I heard Tom say. Bill nodded determinedly and took my hand. Together, we walked inside.
I greeted Simone and Gordon, but soon realized that this was not the right time for pleasantries. The three of us walked upstairs in silence, heading to Bill's attic room. We took our seats, and Tom spoke first: "I'm listening," he said, his gaze focused on Bill and me. The tension in the room was palpable, and I felt uneasy under his scrutinizing gaze. Bill took a deep breath and began the difficult process of explaining and being accountable.

With tension in the air, we tried to convince Tom of the unlikely truth of our situation. The attic room we were in suddenly seemed like a breeding ground for emotions and misunderstandings. Bill took the lead and began to tell in detail about reality shifting, the strange swapping of Elises, and the complexity of our situation.
Tom listened with raised eyebrows and a skeptical look. He occasionally interrupted us with cynical remarks, as if he couldn't take the whole situation seriously. The tension in the room was palpable, with every word we spoke, we tried to bridge the gap between our realities and Tom's disbelief.
The room was filled with tense silence as Tom tried to process everything. His expression changed from disbelief to doubt and back again. "So, let me summarize this," Tom said with a furrowed brow. "You're claiming there are parallel worlds, and in one of those worlds, Elise made different choices and... wait, what do you mean by reality shifting?"
Bill and I patiently and meticulously tried to explain, highlighting every detail to increase the credibility of our story. However, Tom seemed to struggle to accept the bizarre turns of our tale.
"Sorry, guys," Tom interrupted eventually. "This sounds like some sci-fi movie. It's just too ridiculous to be true. And besides, even if this is all true, why didn't Elise say anything earlier?" The skepticism in his voice was unmistakable, and the challenge to believe us was clearly present.
Bill emphasized once again the incredible nature of the situation. "No one knows about this, Tom, because it sounds so unreal," he repeated with a certain urgency in his voice. He looked Tom straight in the eyes, hoping the sincerity of his words would penetrate.
Tom sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair. His facial expression revealed a mixture of confusion and frustration.
"So you expect me to believe all this?" he said, his voice tinged with skepticism. "It sounds like some made-up soap plot. How do I know this isn't just some excuse to justify your actions?"
"Okay, I'll try to prove it," I muttered, determined to convince Tom.
Tom smiled confidently and posed his question. "I know something Bill doesn't know, and if you've lived in 2023, you'll probably know this. Give me the country where we're starting our Humanoid tour," he challenged me. Bill looked surprised, and I felt his eyes on me, searching for a reaction.
"Tom, how do you know that?" Bill asked, disbelief in his voice. My heart pounded in my throat, but I kept my gaze on Tom. His calmness was reassuring. "When you were having a good time at the Galabal, we had a meeting about the locations," Tom revealed calmly. Bill's face twisted with surprise and confusion. "What?!" he exclaimed, unable to process the information. "I want to have a say in that too," Bill quickly retorted.
"Oh Bill, please. You know nothing about it. What could you possibly contribute to that meeting?" Tom retorted. Bill seemed momentarily hesitant, but then let it go. "February 22nd in Luxembourg," I intervened, "then the Netherlands and followed by Belgium."
Tom looked at me with wide eyes as my words sank in. The surprise was evident on his face, and for a moment, he seemed speechless. Bill, standing next to me, also looked up, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity in his eyes.
"How... how do you know that?" Tom stammered eventually, his skepticism slowly giving way to wonder. I felt the pressure of the situation and wanted to convince Tom of the truth of our story.
"Tom, this is all so strange, but I swear to you it's true. I'm not the Elise who hurt you and Bill. I'm from a different reality, a different timeline," I explained hastily, my voice filled with sincerity. Bill, still confused, looked back and forth between Tom and me. Tom seemed to ponder my words, and slowly but surely, I saw his skepticism give way to acceptance. "This... this can't be true," he muttered, almost to himself.
I felt a heavy burden lift from my shoulders as I saw Tom begin to believe in the incredible story we were telling him. His facial expression changed from astonishment to a mixture of understanding and acceptance. Bill looked at me, a look of relief in his eye.

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