24. Madrid

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The next morning, we were abruptly awakened by the knocking on the door, which turned out to be David. David was clearly in action mode. Bill had to get up quickly because there were interviews scheduled. We jumped out of bed and hurried to the common area in the tour bus to have breakfast with the rest of the band.
The smell of freshly baked rolls and coffee filled the small space, and we all took our seats at the table to start the day. Despite the early hour, the atmosphere was lively, and as we ate our breakfast, we discussed the busy day ahead. Bill and the others were indeed expected for interviews and promotional activities, and they all knew it would be a tiring day. I looked at Bill, who was busy with his breakfast, and realized how hard he worked to fulfill his role in the band.
It was clear that the life of a rock star was not just about performances and making music but also about long days of promotion and media attention. I admired Bill and the other band members, who did their work with so much dedication and passion.
Bill looked at me and kindly asked, "Do you want to come to the interviews, Elise?"
I smiled at him, appreciating his invitation, but then shook my head. "Thanks, Bill, but waiting in a studio all day until you're done doesn't sound very exciting to me. I'd rather go back to the hotel, where I can unpack my luggage at my own pace and do some research on my laptop."
Bill nodded understandingly and gave me a hug. "That's totally fine, Elise. Do what makes you comfortable. We'll see each other again tonight."
I smiled and hugged him back. "Good luck with the interviews, Bill. I'm sure you'll do great."
With those words, we said goodbye. He was clearly in a hurry since his styling and makeup took a lot of time.

While the guys stepped out of the tour bus and rushed for their interviews, a few other crew members and I continued on to the hotel. The ride was quiet, and I could admire the landscape as we got closer to the hotel. Once there, I felt a touch of excitement because I would have some time to myself.
The facade of the hotel exuded a certain grandeur, with polished marble and impressive glass doors leading to the lobby. Once inside, I was greeted by the elegant decor, with plush chairs and sparkling chandeliers adding a touch of luxury to the space. Check-in went smoothly, and soon I found myself in the hallways of the hotel, heading to my assigned room.
My room was spacious and comfortable, with a large, soft bed that looked like it was fit for a king. I opened my suitcase and began unpacking a selection of clothes. We would be leaving again tomorrow night, so I decided not to unpack too much, but I still wanted to create some neatness in the room. As I hung my clothes in the closet, I couldn't help but think about how surreal my life had become lately.
With my laptop under my arm, I walked to the desk in the corner of the room. I turned on the computer and stared at the screen, determined to find out more about how I could return to my own world.

While I was focused on my laptop and my quest to find a way back to my own world, my gaze inevitably fell on the window of my hotel room. I slowly closed my laptop and stood up from the desk, my eyes still fixed on that enchanting view unfolding before me. The sun cast a warm glow over the city, bathing everything in a golden light.
The temptation was too great to resist. Madrid, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking architecture, called out to me. I left my laptop as it was, thinking it would be a shame to spend my time here indoors.
I put on a comfortable outfit, perfect for a day of exploration. My sneakers snug on my feet as I prepared to step onto the streets of Madrid. My heart beat faster with excitement, knowing that I had the opportunity to explore this beautiful city. I grabbed another camera I found in my suitcase since apparently, I didn't have a smartphone.
With my key card and a few euros in my pocket, along with the camera, I left my hotel room and walked down the corridor, heading for the elevator. The hallways were immaculate and elegantly decorated, adding a sense of luxury to my stay. As I walked to the lobby, I couldn't help but be impressed by the hotel's beautiful decor. While the elevator slowly descended, I thought about the possibilities this day would bring.

When I left the hotel and took in the fresh air, I saw Bas sitting at the front of the building. He was smoking a cigarette and seemed a bit lost in thought. The image of him there alone, amidst a tour mostly consisting of older crew members, touched me somehow. I thought about his age, only 20 years old, and how he might need some company from someone of his own generation. Bas probably had lonelier moments during this tour.
So, impulsively, I decided to walk up to him and with a smile, ask, "Hey Bas, feel like discovering Madrid? It seems a shame to explore this beautiful city alone, and I could use some company."
Bas seemed to hesitate for a moment at my proposal. He looked me straight in the eyes, and I could see that there was still some distance between us due to our previous encounters. With a slight frown on his face, he asked, "Are you sure you want to hang out with me? You don't know me that well, and let's be honest, we haven't always had the best relationship."
I understood his doubt and nodded understandingly. "I get your concerns, Bas, but I think this is a chance for us to get to know each other better and maybe work on that relationship. Besides, I'm always up for a new adventure. So, what do you say? Madrid is waiting for us."
Bas seemed to consider my words, and after a moment of silence, a cautious smile appeared on his face. "Okay, let's explore Madrid," he finally agreed.

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now