44. Got caught

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While Tom and I embraced, the dressing room door gently opened, and there stood Bill, looking at us with raised eyebrows, asking, "What's going on here?"
Bill entered the dressing room with his distinctive aura, always a mix of rockstar-cool and strikingly unique. His hair, artistically standing upright like a mane of a lion, gave him a wild, sexy appearance. His clothing, always a perfect balance of trendy and rebellious, emphasized his slim, toned body.
His dark eyes sparkled, and his sensual lips curled into a mischievous smile as he entered. Bill always exuded a magnetic charm, and this moment was no exception. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, and I couldn't help but think he looked incredibly sexy.
Tom and I let go of each other, and I looked from Tom to Bill, smiling. "We just had a good talk, Bill," I said. "Everything's okay." Tom nodded in agreement, and Bill smiled at Tom, as if approving of our friendship and conversation.
Tom turned to Bill and responded enthusiastically. "Man, you've got an amazing girlfriend," he said with a smile. Bill smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm well aware."
Then Tom asked, "Have you invited her to come home with you tonight?" Since we have two days off after tonight's performance in Berlin, it seemed logical that everyone would want to go home for a bit.
Bill looked thoughtful and said, "I haven't officially asked her yet."
Tom chuckled and said, "Well, consider it done. I'll let mom know that Elise is coming with me."
Bill looked at me and asked if I'd be up for going to his family home tonight. I nodded enthusiastically, and he smiled. Tom winked at Bill.
Bill looked gratefully at his brother and said, "Thanks, Tom. Can you give us a moment alone?"
Tom grinned and said, "Of course, I get it. Have fun, you two." He left the dressing room, leaving Bill and me alone.

Bill furrowed his brow as he contemplated what I told him. "So, Tom still has feelings for the other Elise?" he asked eventually.
I nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that way. He told me it's hard for him to let go."
Bill thought for a moment and then said, "I think Tom might have feelings for you too."
I quickly shook my head and said, "No, that can't be. We're just friends." Then I added, "Besides, he's always talking about the night Elise and he had."
I noticed that Bill suddenly looked sadly at the ground, and at that moment, I realized that it was still a sensitive topic for him. Quickly, I apologized and said, "Sorry, Bill. I shouldn't have said that." Bill smiled weakly and looked at me again. "It's okay, Elise."
In the meantime, Bill sat on the chair in front of the makeup table, and I wanted to cheer him up by bringing up another topic. I sat directly across from him on the table and started enthusiastically telling him about my reality shifting research this afternoon. My excitement began to be contagious, and I saw Bill slowly but surely coming out of his somber mood.
While I enthusiastically talked about my findings regarding reality shifting, Bill playfully tapped his fingers on my knee. It was a light, teasing touch, but it caused a pleasant shiver to run through my body. I tried to focus on the conversation, but Bill's presence and his tender touch distracted me.
After a while, I gave in, and I looked at him with a playful smile. "You're trying to distract me, aren't you?" I whispered.
Bill smiled back. "Maybe a little," he admitted. "But I'm genuinely interested in what you've discovered."
As I continued with my story, I casually dropped, "Oh, and Bas knows about my secret now."
Bill raised his eyebrows when I told him that Bas was now aware of my secret. A slight frown appeared on his forehead, and I could see that he felt a bit uneasy. "Oh, really?" he said with feigned nonchalance, but there was a hint of jealousy in his voice. "And? How did he react?"
I shrugged. "He seemed to think it was cool and promised not to tell anyone."
I couldn't resist teasing Bill a little, so I jumped off the table and slipped behind him. My fingers gently tickled his neck, and I whispered in his ear, "Are you perhaps jealous?" His chair turned around, and he pulled me onto his lap. He whispered softly in my ear, "Of course not." His breath brushed against my skin, and he gently nibbled on my earlobe before planting a kiss on my neck. I couldn't suppress a soft moan. It made my hair stand on end, and I felt excitement coursing through my body. I wanted to kiss him, feel his lips on mine, but at that moment, the door of my dressing room was rudely thrown open, and a stage assistant from the concert venue appeared in my dressing room.
He stood there, perplexed, staring at us. Then he turned crimson, realizing he had interrupted an intimate moment. Nevertheless, he composed himself and delivered urgent news. "Elise, you're urgently needed at makeup and styling. You have to be on stage in half an hour."
I hastily jumped off Bill's lap, giving him a mischievous look before nodding to the assistant and thanking him with a blush on my cheeks. Bill and I exchanged a quick, telepathic glance that made us both smile, and I left with the assistant for makeup and styling.

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