When Is Enough, Enough?

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Summary: You and Bucky are in love, and Bucky has to talk to Steve.

Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader

Rating: explicit

Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, depictions of PTSD/panic attack, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of drug abuse, soft!Bucky, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, mentions of street life, 18+ ONLY

Word Count:  6.4K

A/N: this part does dive into Shy's past with her father, and we learn about Dove's sister. It can be a bit dark. Read ALL warnings, and if you feel it's too much for you, I don't apologize. This story was always going to be dark.

There's a comfort with living here with Bucky and Alpine

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There's a comfort with living here with Bucky and Alpine. You're able to relax, not fully, but you are getting there. Alpine definitely helps. Bucky. You want to let him in as easy as he let you in, but you just can't. You could sit and listen to him talk, but don't want to talk about your life just yet.

You want to, and then you don't. You need to, but you just can't. He is giving you so much of himself, including a place to live. Refusing to even take money from you. You weren't poor, in fact you had done well with your books. That ugly piece of shit house had insurance, so yay for that.

But Bucky. He's a mystery to you like all men. You know you shouldn't, but you compare them all to your father. It's why you wrote; you want to make stories of men that were good, honest, and didn't have crippling and poor coping mechanisms. Bucky didn't seem like that. In fact he gave you just enough distance, and you craved him more.

Was crave even the right word? You dream of him. Wished he would close the gap a bit more so you could count the colors of blue in his eyes. Had a desire to snoop in his room just so you knew what cologne he wore or if that scent was purely Bucky.

Why did he haunt your thoughts? Your newest male character was Bucky. Down to the cleft in his chin. The very dimple you longed to poke a finger in, hoping to bring a smile big enough to make the faint dimples appear on his cheeks. You liked when you could get that to happen.

Why couldn't you be more comfortable with him? Why couldn't you just speak more than a few words? Every evening he even asked if he was talking too much, and you'd respond by shaking your head no. You'd never been given much of a voice in your home, yet another reason you wrote. Your writing gave you that voice. Those moments to say what you wanted, even if it was fiction. There is always a bit of truth in the midst of fantasy.

If you could have made the perfect man, it would be Bucky. He is handsome without question, but his patience astounded you. He never once raised his voice. He saw you look in the fridge at the beer for too long, and the next day the beer was gone. You still haven't found remnants of even beer garbage. He watched you curiously as you traced your finger along the walls, asking what you were doing. "They're spotless."

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