Another Chance

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Sometimes a destination is not a place but a person.

Charlotte found herself in the same cafe where she first saw Engfa. She's still reading the same book she was reading from before. She's just halfway thru it because her friends keep on bugging her.

Her hair is tied behind her back and she is wearing her glasses. She's sitting comfortably on the couch while enjoying her moment of solitude.

This was her third day in that cafe and this has become her favorite spot.


A woman said. She looked up from her book and saw Engfa standing infront of her. She looked at her with curiosity and she smiled wide at her.

She sat on the single couch on the right side and placed two paper cups on the table.


Charlotte said in confusion. She looked a little pissed from the disturbance.

"I've been visiting this cafe since I first saw you but you're never here."

She said. Charlotte scratched the back of her neck as if she doesn't know what to say. She's never really good at small talks. That's why she's still single.

"Oh. Did you forget something the last time?"

Charlotte asked. Engfa just chuckled before removing her leather jacket.

"I forgot to tell you my name and to ask yours."

She said while seating comfortably while her long legs are crossed.

"So, what's your name?"

Charlotte said before going back to her book. Of course she already know the answer but she played it cool.

"I'm Engfa. And you are?"

She said. Charlotte continued reading.


She just said. Engfa took one of the paper cups and drank from it. She did not say anything but kept her eyes on Charlotte.

"You're almost done with Angels and Demons. I have a copy of The Lost Symbol."

Engfa said before drinking. Charlotte immediately looked up and smiled. It's like offering chocolates to a kid.

"Really? Will you be so kind to let me borrow it?"

She said before gently closing the book she's holding. Engfa chuckled.

"Of course. If you discuss it with me after. I wanted to read it but I just don't have enough patience."

Engfa said. She took the other paper cup from the table and offered it to Charlotte. Charlotte took it and drank from it. Her face lit up.

"How did you..."

She asked. Engfa just motioned to the barista.

"Oh. I don't order the same thing twice though."

Charlotte told her. She laughed before answering.

"I don't know. Gut feeling, I guess."

Engfa said while smiling. Charlotte just gave her a small smile before fiddling with the cover of the book. She seems unsure about something.

"Well... is there anything else or can I return to my book now?"

She asked. Engfa just chuckled and then shook her head.

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