Ad Astra Per Aspera

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The road that leads to the stars.

Engfa's POV

We enjoyed the casino but I am already a bit uneasy about something. I wanted to go back to our room to check on Charlotte.

"You can stay. I'll go check on Charlotte."

I told Freen and Becky who are still very much engaged in the slot machine. They looked at me and said that they'll come with me.

We walked to the elevator and while we're inside I started feeling a bit odd. Like my whole body is tingling. My vision started blurring. Did I eat something in the casino? I looked at Freen and Becky who are looking oddly at me. I heard Freen asked if I was okay but her voice sounded far away.

I don't know what happened next because everything turned black.

I can hear the rushing sound of water but everything is still dark. I feel like It's floating and it reminds of how the void felt. I screamed but no sound came out.

"The blood of the creed."

A cold voice said. It sounded familiar yet I can't remember who's the owner. I turned around and saw a very faint light coming from afar.

Then a man in leather hood appeared infront of me.

"Is this one of yours Aguilar?"

The man with a cold voice asked. Another man walked from behind him. My jaw dropped. He looks familiar. He looks very much like my father.

"Sure is."

The man called Aguilar looked at me straight in the eyes. I felt his message even without hearing him speak. I bowed slowly. My body started trembling.

"Your mission."

Aguilar spoke loudly this time. He walked towards me and produced a leather pouch from inside his cloak.

He showed me the pouch and I hesitated at first.

"Take this. You'll know what to do. Swim against the current and once you reached the end of the river I must warn you. Monsters of all sorts are waiting there. It's your only way out."

I shivered by the last words that he spoke. I took the pouch from his hands and felt it humming. I know exactly what it was and its weight felt weird in my hands. I looked at him.

"You will be guided. Soon enough someone will help you."

He said. He and the other man disappeared in thin air and I was left in the dark. I looked around and saw a black river. I walked towards it and inspected it. The black water looked intimidating but calm.

An eagle appeared on top of me as if waiting for me to make a move.

I closed my hand on the pouch and tied it securely on my belt before closing my eyes.

Heavens help me.

I opened my eyes and jumped into the water. After hitting the water it started to become violent. I was pulled by a current and I tried my best to remember what Aguilar told me.

Swim against the current.

I tried my best to swim against the current. My whole body is screaming in pain because it's almost impossible to swim.

I stopped thinking and just focused my mind on swimming. The swim started getting easier as I focus on it. I can see the end of the river so I maintain steady strokes. My lungs is already hurting.

PPF: Last ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now