Omne Datum Optimum

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"So, what do we know so far?"

Becky asked Charlotte while they are waiting inside the airport for their boarding. She was sitting next to her inside the exclusive lounge.

"Well, it seems that The Templars and Assassins are no longer existing today. However, some say that they are still working underground."

Charlotte said while scanning her ipad. Becky nodded while drinking her coffee. Engfa is already in Paris. She flew there three days ago.

"Where is Freen?"

Charlotte asked Becky. Becky looked around looking for her but she's nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she's in the bathroom."

She said before going back to her phone. Charlotte still can't believe that she's flying to Paris just to satisfy their curiosity.

"It's crazy that we're doing this. That we are even considering flying all the way to Paris for this. It would be cheaper if I just seek help from a Psychiatrist."

Charlotte said while shaking her head. Becky laughed but did not say anything.

After about an hour, they were boarding the plane. They were ushered by security because fans started flocking around them.

Charlotte really hates crowds but what can you do if you're third wheeling a celebrity couple. Charlotte chuckled to herself. They were flying first class so the flight was comfortable for them.

"Would you like something to drink?"

The flight attendant asked Charlotte after the takeoff. She looked at the menu and chose hot chocolate. The attendant came back with her drink. Both Freen and Becky are having wine.

"Stay sober, you two."

She reminded them. Becky looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, grandma."

She answered. Charlotte rolled her eyes at them before looking out the window. They are way above the clouds now but something caught her eyes. She strained her eyes to see the thing clearly.

"What on earth...?"

She mumbled to herself as she realized that she's seeing an eagle. Flying almost as high as the plane. Her jaw dropped in awe. Her amazement was cut short when a sudden flash of light blinded her eyes.
She immediately closed her eyes and when she opened them, she is no longer inside the plane.

Charlotte is standing on top of a building. Above her an eagle is flying in circles. Where she's standing, she can see an old city. She looked at her hands. She is wearing brown leather arm bands with gold linings.

"Remember who you are."

A woman's voice said behind her. She looked around and realized that she's wearing a leather cloak and hood. The woman who is standing in front of her is wearing the same thing.

"Who are you?"

Charlotte asked. The golden ray of the sun setting over the horizon helped Charlotte see the woman's face behind the hood.

"I am the past, the present and the future. I have seen life started and ended. I have seen history repeating all over again. I am the keeper of time."

The woman said. Charlotte creased her forehead in confusion.

"What do you want from me?"

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